The Devil In Your Eyes (II)

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Word count: 4,863
Theme: Because You Move Me, Helsloot & Tinlicker
Edited: 09/08/21 (new ending)

I owe you a date.
I'll pick you up at 5:30pm
— Tae xx

You smiled, dropping your book bag to the floor by the bed. The last time you had received one of these little notes was over a month ago, you had been so angry at him then and shamefully you had rooted through your trash can the next day to take it out.

You saved every one of Taehyung's notes, even the ones he'd pass around to you slyly while you were hanging out with friends; they were only silly inside jokes or compliments but you kept them all. You liked to re-read them whenever you felt down and lord knows you'd returned to that box of notes quite a few times during Taehyung's month long absence from your life.

Seeing this one brought new hope to your heart, your relationship had slowly been building up to what it once was, though, you'd only seen each other while with friends. It had been two weeks and you still hadn't been able to see your best friend alone. Not since your silent afternoon coffee date.

On the way to the box hidden away in your wardrobe you took a quick whiff of the paper, his signature scent clung to the note and you relaxed entirely.

When you sat down you video called Lela.

"What's up girl?" She greeted you cheerily through the screen and you could see the sky and trees in the background as she walked.

"Big news, Tae left a note," you told her shyly and she gasped in her excitement.

"Finally, I've been waiting for this call, what did it say?" She spoke into the mic on her headphones and you sat the phone against your pillows so you could comb and french braided your hair while you spoke.

"He said he owed me a date and that he'd picking me up at half past five. Do you think he's taking me out to dinner? I don't know what to wear," you shared your troubles and she bit her lip in thought.

"You know what? I'm like ten minutes away, I'm coming over to help you get ready," she announced and you grinned as you finished tying the end of your last braid.

"I'll have a glass of Prosecco ready," you gleamed and she told you she'd see you soon before sending you a kiss through the screen; which you returned.

While you waited, you placed your phone on charge and washed your face, using products to ensure you'd have a flawless base for your makeup.

A knock at your door told you Lela had arrived and you happily let her into the tiny dorm room. On your way past you grabbed the Prosecco out of the mini fridge to greet her with it.

"My favourite sight," Lela cheered as you swung the door open and you grinned.

"Awe, we love you too, Lee," you cooed, letting her inside and leading the way over to your bed. From your desk you grabbed two plastic cups and poured some of the Prosecco out to drink.

"So, what's the plan?" She asked, dropping herself and her bag on her sisters bed before reaching out for her drink.

"Oh, you'll like this... there isn't one," you enthused and she rolled her eyes, peaking out of the window from her position. "Five-thirty?"

You nodded, sat on your bed and leaning against the wall casually with your legs crossed at the ankles.

"Whatever you're doing will be at sunset, you got any cute dresses?" She inquired and you nodded again, this time while drinking from your red cup.

You got up to dig through your wardrobe and after a moment you pulled out a short black sundress with small red flowers printed on it and ruching at the front of each thigh.

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