Bad Blood

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Chapter 1: Bad Blood
New Berk
Months after Dragons Left
Astrid POV:
I cleaned the last plate dish and put it into the wooden cupboard, closing it with a squeak. I came back and washed my hands in the washing bucket with soap, and grabbed a rag for my hands.
I dried off my fingers and felt my thick wedding ring, and sighed. It just reminds me of Hiccup, the Hiccup who used to be here.
I took a deep breath and went to the cooler, and grabbed myself the soup I stored from dinner I cooked yesterday, all alone. I opened the bowl and heated it over the burner, and waited for it to get hot. After five minutes I pulled it off the burner and grabbed myself a fork and slowly stirred my soup.
I leaned my head on my elbow and ate my soup very slowly. I missed my husband. Hiccup was never here, he was always chiefing, and he acts like nothing happened after the dragons left...he hasn't even cried.
I know I miss my girl, and I know Hiccup misses Toothless, he's just so far away from me. I then heard the doorknob turn, and knew Hiccup was home.
The door swung open and Hiccup revealed carrying a bag. He dropped it by the door and shrugged off his chief coat. He groaned and walked up the stairs.
"Hi!" I scoffed and threw my bowl into the washing bucket, parts of the soup flying everywhere. "Geez Astrid!" Hiccup called and continued to walk up the stairs.
I puckered my lips and picked by bowl back up and slowly cleaned up my mess.
I realized I had cracked the bowl and I threw it away. I dropped a rag on my small mess and kneeled down in front of my mess, and small tears ran down my face.
I missed my husband so much.
I heard Hiccup coming back down the stairs and he put his hands on his hips when he saw me. "Really Ast? Your fine, you just broke a bowl," Hiccup said and helped me to my feet, and walked to the cooler.
"That's not why!" I yelled and clenched my fists, and Hiccup rose his brows. "I miss much!" I sobbed and rubbed my arms together. Hiccup just sighed and grabbed a water and began to drink it.
"Hiccup your never home! I'm running the village as Chieftainess, I clean up the house and I cook! And you come home and eat, drink, and sleep. You don't even say you love me anymore. We don't go anywhere besides stay in this boring house and sleep!" I yelled and put my hands onto the table, sad and frustrated.
"I'm busy Ast, I can't help it," Hiccup said and put his drink on the counter, folding his hands. I then got emotional feelings of rage, and sadness.
"Im busy too!" I yelled and hiccup rose his brows at me. "I KNOW THAT!" He yelled back and I slammed my fist onto the table, getting the urge not to slap him. "DO YOU?!" I screamed and brushed away my tears and his face softened.
"Do you Hiccup? Do you chief beside a man who doesn't have "time" for you? Do you run a village alongside a man who used to be everything and now he acts like your nothing to him? Do you work alongside a human who comes home and sleeps, eats, and drinks and never talks to his wife? The one he made vows too!" I yelled and Hiccup sighed.
"I can't do this right now Ast," he said and began to walk away. I grabbed his water from the table, and chased after Hiccup. I grabbed his arm and spun him around.
"Astrid!" He exclaimed and I just gave a grimacing look and dumped the cup of water over his face. I dropped the cup onto the floor and it shattered. I ran up the stairs into my bathroom and slammed the door shut.
I slid down and sobbed into my hands.
Hiccup is slowly leaving me.

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