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"My friend..."

Jisoo is now avoiding eye contact.

Are you sure Jisoo?

Just a friend?

What about the fact I walked in on you shoving your tongue down her throat.

I know I shouldn't be jealous.

"Are you sure Jisoo?"


"That's what I thought."

She shuffles her feet before speaking up.

"I met her a few days after we broke up."

"She helped me with things and I started courting her."

"One thing led to another I guess."

"Jisoo, do you love her?"

She took a deep sigh.

"You could say that"

Hah. I'm such an idiot.

Thinking she would get back with me after all.

So stupid

Love is just stupid.

I'm stupid.

Stupidly in love with you Kim Jisoo.

instant love. jensoo + chaesooWhere stories live. Discover now