Part eleven

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"Oi! What?" Ron shouted. "It's six in the morning!" Ginny grabbed Harry's wrist for the time. "No, it's six THIRTY in the morning." She corrected, looking at the watch. "Last time you wore this watch, I remember it being green. Why is it now yellow?" Ginny asked sceptically. "Mum gave me the same watch on my seventeenth birthday, it changes based on your mood. Light yellow means relieved, dark yellow means very happy. Harry, you're somewhere in between that." Ron explained. Just then, Hermione walked out of the room. "What's all that racket? It's six in the morning for Merlins sakes!" She ranted. "Six THIRTY" Harry, Ginny and Ron said in unison. They laughed. "Well, now that I'm up, I'm fairly hungry." Hermione said. Ron's stomach agreed with a growl. "Let's get Kreacher to make up something." Harry said, getting up. They walked to the kitchen in silence. "Kreacher, I need you!" Harry shouted. "Master called?" Kreacher said, bowing his head so low that his ears touched the floor. "Yes, erm, could we get some pancakes and eggs or something?" Harry asked. "Bacon" Ron said. "Avocado if it's not too much trouble, I like to eat healthy. Not like a pig." Hermione said, looking at Ron. Ron tolled his eyes. "Kreacher hears the mudblood talking, but Kreacher will pretend he didn't hear. Oh, what would my poor mistress say..." Kreacher muttered. "You will not call Hermione a mudblood. And you will do whatever Hermione and Ron say." Harry instructed. Hermione have him a small smile. "Hey! What about me? Does he have to do everything I say too?" Ginny asked. Harry knew it wasn't fair, but he didn't trust Ginny all that much with a house elf at her command. She could demand him to Apparate to the Malfoy manor to fight if Harry was already there. She could get Herself killed like that! "Well?" Ginny asked impatiently. "Um, well Gin, I'd feel best if you..." But he was cut off by Ginny. Again. "Not this again! You don't trust me? I'm only your bloody girlfriend for Merlin's sakes!" She bellowed. There was silence. "Should Kreacher go?" Kreacher asked Harry. "Yes. Go." He responded. "Your not his girlfriend anymore" Ron said under his breath. Unfortunately, Ginny heard him. "EXCUSE me?!" Ginny yelled. "Well, y'know, you guys broke..." but as seeing the look on Ginny's face, he stopped. "Harry's going to take me back now because the death eaters are going to try to kill me either way! Right Harry?" Ginny said fiercely, but They could still see she was unsure. "W-w-well, you see, you'll only make yourself more wanted by..." Ginny was livid. "MORE WANTED? MORE WANTED?! THATS YOUR DUMB EXCUSE? SHE'LL ONLY MAKE HERSELF MORE WANTED? DO YOU REALIZE IM WANTED FOR OVER SIX THINGS? ONE MORE WILL NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!" Ginny looked at Harry for his reaction, just to see he wasn't there. "Where'd you go, you prat?" Ginny asked, looking around. He was behind Hermione, doing a bad job at hiding. "Harry. James. Potter. You...." she didn't even know what to say. "I'm not changing my discision." Said the small voice from behind Hermione. His watch was dark purple. Extreme fear. Ginny was very angry, Harry did have reason to fear. All Weasley tempers are pretty scary. "Fine. Be like that." She said in a very tiny cracking voice. Little did they know, it wasn't just her voice cracking, her heart too. She walked up the stairs towards her room. "Wait, what about food?" Harry asked shakily, emerging from his hiding place. "Not hungry." She muttered. When Ginny got to her room she cried. How did she think this was a good idea? She wanted to stay locked up forever. Actually, she decided, she didn't want to. She crept quietly to the back door and made it outside. She then took a broom from the shed and started to fly. It was the most wonderful feeling for her, flying. In fact, in her amortentia, she smelled the new broom smell. And the quaffle smell. And her favourite, the Harry smell. She couldn't describe what that smelled like. But at the moment she didn't want to smell it. She flew a few laps and tossed the Quaffle a bit before Just sitting on her broom in mid-air. While she was sitting, she started smelling something wonderful, when she smelled it, it was the best smell in the world, that is, until she realized what it was. She turned around to face Harry, sitting on a broom of his own from the shed. "Hello there!" He said. Ginny showed no expression. "You don't have to be here. You don't like me for real. I know because you keep making up pointless excuses to break up with me. It's okay, stop being so nervous." Ginny said, on the verge of tears. "I'm not nervous." Harry said. " yes you are. Your watch is light blue." She said. She started to Fly away before he grabbed hold of her sleeve. "You better know that's not true" he said. Ginny was outraged. First neglected, now lied to? "Go away!" She shouted. She felt the desire to kick him in the ribs once more. So that's what she did. Damn the famous Weasley temper. He was knocked unconscious. For the fifth time in two days. Luckily she caught him before he fell off his broom and plummeted fifty feet to his death. Ron and Hermione rushed outside the moment they heard screaming. "Merlin Ginny! How much to you hate him? One more kick from you could kill him!" Ron yelled. Ginny put him on the ground. "At least I saved him before he fell off his broom and died." Ginny said. "He was going to apologize." Hermione said quietly. "Ya right. How do you know?" Ginny scoffed. "The watch. It's neon orange. Sorrow." She responded simply. "We should buy you one of these watches, Hermione! Then maybe il have an idea what your thinking sometimes." Ron told her. "I am a terrible person." Ginny said sadly. They levitated Harry to his bed for the millionth time. Hermione used a potion to heal the ribs and internal bleeding. They all spent shifts in his room in case he woke up. Whenever it was Ginny's then she kept apologizing. She was the one who ended up staying the night there again when he still hadn't woken Up. At about twelve thirty the next day Hermione yelled from Harry's room "He's waking up!" They all went to check it out and sure enough he was awake. But there was a problem. Hé couldn't move anything except his eyes! That was a problem. He also couldn't talk. Uh oh. But they were certain he could hear them. About five hours later he could stand and no e around! But still couldn't talk. It wasn't until twelve o clock that night when he finally could. Ron was staying in the room that night. He didn't say anything to the girls because he didn't want to wake Them up, but he didn't have to wake ginny up. She came to them to deliver water at twelve thirty. "You can talk!" She said happily. Harry just stared at her. "And who are you?" He asked.

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