Chapter 4 - Its Here

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2 years later

Me and Sasuke don't really talk. Since that one day he hasn't really spoken to me. He will around me sometimes but he never talks to me unless where training which doesnt really happen either. Today we are going on a mission for Orochimaru to find a map

We go to set up the tent we brought but we could only find one before we left. So we set up tent and put our sleeping bags in separate side of the tent and lay down. I sigh and slowly fall asleep.

I roll over and see Sasuke sleeping. I sit up and look around and lay back down starring at the ceiling of the tent. I realise I've become cold so I go outside and light a fire. I sit down and stare at the flames. Dancing together peacefully until the sounds of cracking makes me grasp for my head. I hear the zipper of the tent and sit up as straight as I can and keep my eyes fixed on the fire. I go to turn around but I soon realize I can't move. I watch the fire crawl over me like a colony of ants burning me. I look up and see that I am in a giant room of fire. A man in an all black cloak with red patterns on it stands infront of me.

"The time is coming Sora, your power will re awaken soon"

"Can everyone stop saying soon. Im not close to anything powerful"

"You're getting closer to gaining you're memories back. I want you to remember the things I've done"

I look down and see black rope... No snake like creatures crawl over me and begin to tear through me. I scream in agony. The pain. I feel something brush against me and realize I'm on the ground with tears streaming from my face. I look around and see I'm still by the fire. I look behind me and see Sasuke with a worried look.

"Are you okay? You must have fallen asleep and had a nightmare"

I nod. It wasn't a dream though, it was real. Sasuke helps me sit up and sits down next to me as I stare into the fire.

"You remind me of someone I knew as a kid. Her name was Sora as well. She was an Uchiha though... You look like her but your hair is white unlike hers"

I sit in silence.

"You think and act like her"

I freeze and grab my pants gripping them tight.

"You guys are almost exactly alike"

I look at him angry now.

"Sasuke. I don't know who you are or what you're with Orochimaru for but I'm nothing like that girl. I'm not her so stop comparing me to her"

I stand up and walk into the forest. I find a pond and sit next to it. I watch at how the moon glistens. I hear footsteps behind me and ignore them, it's probably Sasuke anyways.

"Listen Sasuke just leave me al-"

I feel something sharp and notice a giant hole in my stomach. I go to turn around but I fall down. I hear metal clashing and giant crashes until everything becomes cold. It feels like I'm drowning. Like water is consuming every part of me.

I wake up in a strange room. I go to get up but I stop and cringe in pain. I fall back down.

"Sora you're awake"

I look to my right and see Sasuke kneeling next to me.

"Yeah yeah what happened to me"

"Someone in a mask, someone ive never seen before tried killing you. I don't know why though"

I stare at the ceiling.

"We had to cancel the mission and retreat after I watched you up.. do you know how you got that scar on your back"

I look at him confused.

"What scar?"

"The one that trails all the way down your back"

"I-i didn't know I had it"

He nods and sits back against the wall.

"You're all healed up. Kabuto healed you when we got back. You're just gonna be in some pain for a few days"

I nod and sit up slowly holding my stomach. I look around, I've never been in this room before.

"Where am I?"

"My room"

I blush. And stand up.

"I'm leaving"

I walk out of his room quickly and head straight to my room. I sit down on my bed and hold my hands to my face. Why am I always the weakling. Why am I such a damn failure to everyone. Shouldn't I have been able to sense the chakra difference? Shouldn't I have been smarter to check my surroundings.

I hear a knock on my door and Kabuto walks in.

"Orochimaru told me to ask you to go to his room"

I nod and get up walking down the hall to his room. When I enter I see Sasuke and stand next to him.

"Sora, I asked you here to ask for you to send me your body. I have been very suck for awhile now and my time is soon"

"Why me. I'm weak. I'm useless to everyone you've even said it yourself"


I look up at Orochimaru with tears coming to my eyes.

"Im gonna be honest. I see no point in living anymore so I will. I hurt everyone I'm around and I can't even protect them. I am useless. It's not my body it's me"

Orochimaru grins with a chuckle. I see Sasuke flinch and I realize I'm flying into a wall. I watch as Sasuke  starts attacking Orochimaru. I burn. I'm on fire. My head pounding feeling like it's about to explode. I'm not injured though. I watch as flashes of light grow before me. The chakra I feel. Voices start running through my head. The sounds of buildings falling to the power of flames and fire. I can smell the smoke. The ember of Ash. A fowl smell. Screams and crys along with laughter. I look up to see Sasuke rip his sword out of Orochimaru. I feel a flash if pain. So powerful it feels like I'm being skinned alive. I shriek and bellow in pain until my head crashes against the floor. I can hear the smoke. Whimper and crys for parents.

"Haha Itachi please teach me and Sasuke your ways oh great on"

"Sora promise me you'll never leave me behind. We'll be a team forever"

"I promise"

"I'm gonna be powerful like you Itachi. No more powerful. Like... Like the hokage or Madara"

I feel cold. I hear water dripping. No a stream. Birds chirping. I smell flowers and I can feel the breeze running through my hair. I feel at peace.

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