Chapter 8 - Closer

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Today's the mission. I haven't been myself all morning Kakashi says but I just shrug it off. We're getting ready to head out but I feel like turning back. Naruto grabs my hand and looks at me

"Everything will be okay trust me"

I give him a small smile and we start walking behind Kakashi. All week I have been working with Kakashi and Naruto and happened to pick up on Narutos cloning jutsu. I guess I can learn from the lead village.

"Hey Kakashi, when we get back... I want to be a leaf ninja"

"Lady Tsunade will be very happy to hear that"

I smile and rub my head. We reach a stream and stop. We have been walking for awhile at this point and still have two more days of this mission so we stop and Kakashi makes a fire. I go and sit away from everyone by the pond and stare at the refection of the moon glissoning off the water. I notice a beautiful red flower float up to me and I grab it looking at it. I notice something out if the corner of my eye and and see a tall figure across the pond. I stand up but they run away. I figure it's best for me to to return to everyone so I begin to walk towards then staring at the flower. It's almost like the ones Sasuke use to give me when I was sick or feeling sad. I give a small smile and sit next to Naruto.

"Are you feeling okay"

"Yeah I'm fine just wanted a breather"

He looks at my hand and notices the flower.

"Hey that's beautiful how'd you get it"

"I just found it floating in the water.

Kakashi glances at it and rubs his head keeping silent. We stare at the fire until I go to bed. I lay my sleeping bag in between Kakashi and Naruto and lay down. I stare at the stars for what seems like hours until I fall asleep.

We wake up and start walking again after we eat. Today we reach out destination. There is a city saying there has been criminal activity. They say it's the Akatsuki. I prepare as we reach the location and I notice something move out of the corner of my eyes. I grab my katana and cut down the tree I sense the chakra from and use my Sharingan.

"Kisame show yourself"

He steps up  with a smile and laughs. I keep the blade pointing at him.

"Oh you look as ruthless as ever"

"What is your purpose"

He take a step towards me.

"To get you but I'd much rather kill you now that I can without Itachi to worry about"

He runs at me and I move to the left. He swings at me but I block it.

"Fire ball"

I throw it at him and he goes through a tree. He stands up smiling.

"You're stronger then expected Sora"

I gave him and dirty look and let fire engulf the blade.

"Leave now"

He stares at my eyes and laughs. He runs at me cutting my cheek. I flip over him throwing my kunai at him. It's covered in sleeping elixir. It hits him and he falls.

"Sora you killed him"

I brush my legs off.

"I did not"

Kakashi looks at him and then back at me.

"So they have been soaked in sleeping elixir I see"

I nod and smile rubbing my head.

"I think we should get going"

Naruto walks next to me smiling. He's always so happy. I smile at the sight of him. We walk into the village and Kakashi talks to a man. I look around at the sad village and sigh. Kakashi starts walking out of the village with Naruto and I follow with a good distance in between. Being in that city had made me feel overwhelmingly sad. Lingering as a leave the village. I notice we are taking a different way home. Kakashi said that it's dangerous to go that way now. We will have to walk on the other side of the river. I nod and look at it.

"I think we should rest. This might be the safest spot until we get home"

I nod and sit down staring at the deep cratered river. The bridge is tall. I notice as the sun went down the ducks and frog had left the river leaving it once more. I look back at the sleeping boys and jump on top of the bridges supports. I can see for miles. I look around in glory of the world.


I look around but there's nothing

"Do it"

I see a figure off in the distance that kind of looks like Sasuke. I go to jump off of the supports but I get pushed and start falling. Something warm hugs me and I look up to see Naruto holding me bridal style.

"Where you seriously trying to kill yourself"

"N-n-no I was just looking at the scenery and saw someone. It must have startled me and I fell"

He started crying and looks at me as he sets me down.

"You are not to die do you hear me"

I look away with a sad look.

"I can't promise anything"

His jaw drops.

"You are going to promise me"

I sigh and jump out if his arms facing away away with him.

"I'm gonna find Sasuke even if it kills me"

No one really knows. Sasuke and Kakashi all thought I died with everyone else. I thought Sasuke was killed and everyone was ashamed of me. No one realizes that I just want my friend back. I hadn't seen him in almost 6 years before the day I was running in the forest.

"Sora, I won't let you die"

I walk away and head back to the tent. I didn't sleep at all that night. I wait for everyone to wake up and of course it's Kakashi.

"I see you didn't sleep at all"

I just look away from him. He sits on a log and cuffs his hands.

"You're not gonna like this route, I apologise"

"What do you mean"

"He was seen heading this way a few hours ago"

I jump out of the tree I was sitting in and stare at Kakashi.

"We aren't changing routes"

"We have to"

"I'll go alone then"

"I can't let you do that Sora, he will kill you"


I run off jumping across the bridge making my way through the trees until I can't sense there chakra anymore. I begin to walk until I reach a giant valley. I walk through keeping my hand at my side in case of anything. I sense something in the ground I use my Sharingan to look at it. There's a bomb?

I throw my kunai at it and it goes off. Millions of kunai fly at me and I jump up. I see a ninja low class run at me. I hit him a few times. He's slow. Low class? I her him with my katana and he drops to the ground. I put my blade back in it's holster and continue walking. I come up to an old temple and jump down. I sense something familiar and then around to see Sasuke walk up to me and jump down to my level. I smile at him.

"Sasuke i-"

He charges at me and I block him with my katana and smile at him. He gives me a clod look and jumps away.  He comes at me more and more until he cuts my cheek and I jump away from him.

"What's gotten into you Sasuke don't you remember me"

He runs at me and I go to hit him but he's behind me now I turn around and his cold eyes burn a deep hole in my mind. He goes to swing his blade at me but before he hits me I feel a hard pressure against me.

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