Chapter 10 - Bran and Rickon

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Lyon didn't drink wine in the company of her newly met relative, instead, she opted for tea. She sipped it tentatively as Tywin, her grandfather, sat in silence. He simply stared at her for a while, and Lyon did her best not to falter under his scrutinizing gaze. She didn't break. He would be the one to speak first.

"She should have never named you Baratheon. Whether you're her child or not, it was foolish." His first words had echoed in Lyon's own mind before.

"I agree." She said, and to this Tywin focused more on her.

"Pray, do tell."

"I knew I was never a Stark. I had checked records, had asked my former mother and father and their answers were lacking. But I still had their name, and Eddard Stark died a traitor's death. I was raised by a traitor. I imagine that traitors don't paint a pretty picture for your family."

"No, it doesn't." She couldn't tell if he was pleased with her response or not. At least he wasn't yelling at her. Yet. "The people didn't care about Lyon Stark. They hate Lyon Baratheon. As I'm sure you witnessed when my grandson was attacked in the city."

Lyon nodded. "Many foul things left their mouths that day. I'll always remember it."

"Do remember it. You are Eddard Stark's traitorous bastard, you were not raised as a Baratheon or a Lannister. You should learn your place quickly. It'll be less painful for all of us if you do."

"Of course, My Lord." She dipped her head. Now she noticed he seemed at least pleased with her response now.

"So long as you hover over that Stark girl, the city will know where your loyalties lie. As will I. Now go, we will speak again another time."

"Yes, my Lord." She rose now, curtsied, and left. She didn't leave in haste. Instead, Lyon took her time pondering the implications of Tywin's presence. Now more than ever she'd have to be on her guard. Cersei had liked Lyon well enough, but Tywin was another story. He didn't trust her and had definitely become wary of Cersei's judgment. Her best behavior was warranted. Now, she really would have to trust Shae to protect Sansa.

- - -

The day Tywin was named Hand of the King, Lyon made sure to distance herself from Sansa, instead, standing next to Tommen protectively. She plastered a smile on her face as Tywin was named Hand, even as the snakish Littlefinger was gifted Harrenhal. After that, Joffrey called upon a face Lyon hadn't seen in a very, very long time.

"Ser Loras Tyrell."

If she remembered correctly, he had been jousting the day she had killed Lord Barton. She watched him exit the crowd and kneel as Joffrey thanked him.

"Your house has come to our aid. The whole realm is in your debt, none more so than I. If your family would ask anything of me, ask it and it shall be yours."

Loras lifted his head to look upon the King. "Your Grace, my sister Margaery, her husband was taken from us before. She remains... innocent. I would ask you to find it in your heart to do us the great honor of joining our houses."

Joffrey seemed to contemplate it. He turned to look at a woman who bore Loras' resemblance, wearing a provocative dress that had a neckline that seemed to never stop. She stepped forward, her dimples visible even from where Lyon stood. "With all my heart, Your Grace. I have come to love you from afar. Tales of your courage and wisdom have never been far from my ears. And those tales have taken root deep inside of me."

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