Chapter 19 - A Guide to Essos

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Lyon's silver hair hung in a braid that fell to the small of her back. She felt the weight of the blade in her hand - swung it to and fro with one hand, then again with both. Precise fluid movements. Yes, her practice had given her an edge. Toren was more than happy to give her tips and pointers, and she had once sat in on Vio's training. The bond between them was clearer than ever and Vio definitely had skill. Her "General", as the men had taken to calling Toren, couldn't stop smiling whenever her handmaiden was around. Lyon let the romance grow, happy to see them together. Gods knew they deserved it.

"So, what do you think? It's a gift."

"It looks like an expensive gift. What are you trying to make up for? And why the bloody beach of all places."

Tyrion and Bronn watched her examine the blade. "You know Jamie is back."

"I've been avoiding him."

"The whole Keep knows that." Bronn snorted. Lyon met his eyes with ire, but returned her attention to Tyrion.

"So, what's the catch?"

"Perhaps he ought to tell you himself, you have a lot of catching up to do." Tyrion's eyes went past Lyon and landed on the figure that stood several paces behind her.

Lyon hadn't heard his soft footfalls hit the sand behind her.

Jaime Lannister stood on the sand, his face cleanly shaven and dressed impeccabley.

Lyon's face contorted into a scowl of its own accord as she raked her gaze down his body. Her eyes settled on the blade at the sheath on his hip. The make of the blade tore her heart in half.

"It's Valyrian steel."

Jaime nodded, wordless. There was a sorrow in his eyes that Lyon hadn't seen before, but whatever he had faced did not compare to the grief this one man had caused her.

"You smelted down my father's sword." 

Again, he nodded. This time Lyon strode toward him, gestured to the blade. "Let me see it." He did as she said, and that's when she noticed the gilded steel hand that replaced his right. He clumsily unsheathed the blade and held it out to her. Discarding hers in the sand, she took the Valyrian steel sword and examined it. She didn't give a damn how it was made. She chucked it into the sand and used her empty hand to land blow after blow on Jaime's perfect little face.

Jaime was on the ground in an instant, pinned by Lyon's strong legs as each hit found its mark.

"That was for Jory-" crunch! "and that, was for my father!" She would have beat him within an inch of his life had Bronn not grabbed both arms and pinned them behind her. She thrashed and thrashed, screaming for him to release her so she could give the Lannister that killed Jory what was coming to him.

"Perhaps this was a bad idea." Tyrion finally mused, guiltily looking over to his brother laying bloody in the sand.

"No shit." Jaime spat blood into the sand before rising. "Got a hell of an arm on you. I'll give you that."

"Fuck off." Lyon spat venom, but finally settled and stopped fighting against Bronn. He didn't release her though.

"I deserved that."

"You think? Was this your plan Tyrion?"

"Not quite, but I figured I would give it a shot. You see, Jaime is missing a hand. His sword hand. He can't fight with his left like you or Bronn. He needs to learn."

"Why would I help him? He killed Jory. He almost killed my father."

"With all due respect, brother, I don't think Lady Stark has much to offer me. We've sparred before."

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