Chapter 3

531 12 3

Luciana Von Deutsch POV

'Ohmygod . Ohmygod .

Holy shiiiiiii
Where am i going exactly?!'

Okay breath..


Im still panicking wahhh!!!!
Who wouldnt panicked when your being chased down by royal guards ha?!!

I look behind me..

They stop chasing me! Thank heavens! Hahah

Then i stop by a beautiful garden

"Wooow! (¯口¯)"

Wow, it looks simple yet so pretty

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Wow, it looks simple yet so pretty.

I stroll around the garden when
i see this breath taking sight in front me

I stroll around the garden wheni see this breath taking sight in front me

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"Its really beautiful"

To add with that, the moon is shining so brightly in the night sky

"Was that wishing well or something?"
I asked to no one in particular.
I walked to it

"Oh i wish i have money right now"

"what are you going to do with it?"

"im going to throw it in the well and make a wish yknow. What else am i going to do with it? Duhh"

"hahah are you kid?"

"hell i dont give a damn about what you thin- "


I just realize that im not talking to myself anymore

So i immediately turn around and there i see a gorgeous looking man

I cant help but held my breath

'What is this godly figure doing in front of me?'
I thought. I think im going nosebleed..

He has golden brown hair with the same color as his eyes, His wearing this expensive noble clothes and his aura tells me that he is the real deal rich dude .lol.

(sorry author is not good at describing clothes lol)

I heard him click his tounge at me

Somehow i feel annoyed right now.

"Are you done?"
He narrowed his eyes on me,

"what do you mean?"

"YOU. keep on staring at me from head to toe. So Will you stop it?. It creeps me out."
He said looking disgusted

'what the hell?'

"are you perhaps still asleep? Because your still daydreaming ." i smiled mockingly at him

"hmp! So what are you doing here?"

"none of your business, i dont even know you"

"haha what? after youve been dump by your fiance you suddenly got an amnesia?" he glared at me looking with disbelief

Saying that ive been dump with a GUY straight in my face,

ticked me off.

"whats in it with you if i indeed have amnesia?"
I glared at him

"nothing really" he smirk knowingly


"if you dont have anymore to say, then im going. Goodbye"

I walk past him to what seems like exit



I look around and see a bunch of carriage for rich people.

"how can i ride that? I dont have money " i muttered to myself

Should i just walk?
But its already dark
And i dont have any weapon
I think it'll be dangerous

Should i just beg them to let me ride for free?


What should i do then?

<(-︿-)> hmmm

I stood there in front of so many carriages
While i was deep in thought i could sense someone approaching me

I glanced at the man talking to me

He looks around 30. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He smile's charmingly

I asked

"why are you here so early? are you tired?"

Why is he talking to me as if he know's me..

"ahm yes.."

"Do you want to go home now? The carriage is there miss."
He pointed out a golden carriage

"im sorry, but i dont have money to pay."
I bit my lip

I heared him laugh
"what are you talking young miss? Haha perhaps you are tired and feeling sleepy, yes? Then, please wait here while i take our carriage."

Should i trust him? Or should i not? I dont even know him!

But He seems nice and trusthworthy

I dont have anywhere to go (╥﹏╥)

Might as well go with him than walk in the dark

He asked

He opened the door for me and ask for my hand to support me while i climb

' what a pretty and comfy carriage' i thought.

I look out the window

"wow \( ö )/" i exclaimed

It really is a castle. Its so pretty on the outside, and right now i feel like a princess.

'Hahah as if'

The carriage started to move

'What am i going to do now?'

'But i should think first as to who i am, and where am i before i conclude something'

To what seems like 15min. Of thinking

"ahhh.. " i yawn

'im tired...

I want to sleep... And i cant think of anything at all...'



I asked eyes half close

"you can sleep if you want, ill wake you up once we get to your mansion."

I look at him wierdly

'I dont remember being rich at all
Nahh.. Maybe i just heard him wrong'

I feel my eyelids getting heavier by a minute
'i should probably sleep just for minute....
i guess'

And the next thing i knew.. Im deep in my sleep like a log

Fck i can even feel myself drooling in the sofa.

∑( ̄□ ̄;)

To be continued...

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