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Heyo gotta warn ya! I'm from Australia kiddies and I like to swear and I have another story and I have random things on my mind to talk about...now back on topic....I will be doing a cast thingo and I will have authors notes but they're always at the end of every chapter or part or whatever you fucking call it. Now if my bff is reading this GET FUCKED SLUT! 😂 if your wondering why I'm being a rude ass bitch, I'm not, I'm just being normal and weird and stuff anyway I'll see ya later kiddies....

OH YEA CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORY!!! It's called Renesmes Twin Sister (if you don't wanna type that all up just search creepyandproud and look for the cover with Scarlett Johansson on the front) buh-bye kiddies

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