Chapter 9

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I really didn't know how to say it...

My feelings for you ......

I was afraid that you would take this the wrong way or feel uncomfortable.

That's why I hesitated again and again to tell you my feelings for you....that I wanted us to be more than just friends.

But I wanted you to know......I didn't know if you'd accept me or not....but I wanted to tell you....

Then a perfect opportunity came. A perfect time to do my confession,

The country side school field trip......  

The last day we were playing hide and seek.

But my mind wasn't in the game....

(Ah! It's already the last day and still I couldn't confess.... )

Every time when we were alone, I wanted to tell you but there came someone in the middle.

Suddenly you became famous!!!!

Everyone was trying to make you join them in the fun!!!

Specially the girls.......

Since you had already open up to everyone......everyone was curious about you and the girls were totally all over you....

I know even before I came you were pretty famous among the girl for being the ice hearted Dark Prince.......but with your new friendly attitude now you became the Prince Charming for them........jeez

Then suddenly I noticed I was all alone in the forest....

I lost my way while I spaced out...

Then suddenly I heard your voice ...calling me.....

"Sarah...Sarah....Where are you, Sarah?"

"Hey I'm over here....."

''Why have you come so deep in the forest to hide? What if you were lost?"

"Sorry I wasn't thinking.....but it's ok..... now that you've found me.....let's head back...."


"But what? What's with that worried voice....... Don't tell me that you have lost your own way while looking for me?"

"......well actually ...I kinda did...."

"Hahaha......that's enough with the let's go back......"

"But it's not a joke?"

"WHAT!!! could you do that? If you've come to help me to find my way back then you should have known yours first....."

I still burst out of laughter when ever think of that time.

I mean seriously......what kind of a person loses his own way while rescuing someone from getting lost.....

Then the most hilarious thing happened......

"I guess now we don't have a choice but to wonder around and look for a way back....."


"Hey.... why aren't you moving? Come one.....we have to find something before it get's dark."


"Hey why are you trembling? What's wrong?"

"I ......on my .....back?"

"On your back? Let me see.....

Oh... it's just a spider...."

"WHAT!!! PLEASE....GET....IT ...OFF."

"Wait...are you afraid of bugs?"


"Hahaha......ok ok I'll get it of......hahaha....

There you go......"

"Stop laughing.....what's there to laugh about?"

"You are actually afraid of bugs....seriously.....hahaha..."

"I'm not afraid of bugs.....I just don't like spiders...."

"Oh I see...... you should be alright then... the another bug can stay on your shoulder"



"Stop messing with me..."

"'re blushing like a little cute....hahaha"

"Ok ok....I admit it ...I'm afraid of had you let's go."

"You know what....You are the second boy I've met, who is afraid of bugs......."

Naturally after that the question comes...

"Who is the first one?"

But you never asked me that question.

You walk ahead as if you didn't hear what i said. 

Now I know why you didn't ask me that question....

Because you had already knew the answer you didn't need to ask.

Back then I did see some resembles between you and that little boy from 6 years ago.

But I let it slide thinking it was nothing.

Now I know what I saw wasn't just nothing......the boy from back then was actually you.  

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