Ch 25

187 9 2

3rd Person POV

     Eliza slowly walked over to Peggy and kneeled next to her. As she looked down and examined Maria's bloody body, she noticed two bullet holes: one through her forehead and one through her heart.

     She reached a shaky hand out and put it over her forehead. Peggy cried more and more. No matter how much John would try to calm her down, nothing worked.

Alexander- What happened?

Hercules- This son of a bitch just fucking shot Maria!

James- She deserved it!


James- She's a whore! A slut! A lesbian! Just like all of you! You all deserve to die with her!

Angelica- HEY! You need to just be quiet! Right now!

James- No! She's a liar! She told me that she promised to be with me! She would do anything for me! But she goes and sleeps with Peggy like the slut they both are!

Angelica- Don't you dare talk about my sister in that way!

     Angelica's voice started to crack as tears flooded her own eyes. Burr and Madison stepped up to James and grabbed his shoulders.

James- Let go of me!

Burr- You need to calm the hell down now, Reynolds.

James- Guess what. I told her to do whatever I wanted her to do, or I will make all of your lives a living hell. And she didn't, so I'm sticking with my decision!

     James' glare moves over to Charles Lee, who sat quietly in the corner. Everyone's eyes followed his.

James- Don't you agree, Lee? You were on my side. And if you stay on my side, then I promised you that reward that you always wanted.

     Lee stayed quiet as James continued to bash him out. Eliza couldn't do anything. She sat there, examining the now cold body listening to Peggy's soft cries and Angelica, Hercules, Burr, and Alex screaming at Reynolds.

     She looked up and saw Hercules starting to push and shove Reynolds, causing Alexander to try and get between them to stop.

     She couldn't hear anything. She was dizzy, feeling light headed like she was going to faint.

     But something quickly brought her back to reality: the sound of another gun shot. And a few seconds later, James Reynolds fell to the floor with blood coming out of his chest.

     Her eyes followed where the gunshot came from. There was Charles Lee holding a small pistol with smoke coming out.

     There was complete silence in the room. The only sound was Peggy's silence whimpers. Soon, there was another gun shot, causing Eliza to shut her eyes. And when she reopened them, she saw Charles Lee laying on the floor in blood.

Alexander- Ok, everyone. I need you all to.. clean this up and get back to work.

Peggy- B-But Maria?

Alexander- We can't do anything now, Peggy. She's gone and we all have to move on now.

Peggy- Alex-

Alexander- Now, Peggy. Let's just get back to work-

     "Land ho! We're back at the kingdom!" Someone screamed while running downstairs and repeating himself until Alexander nodded. He looked at Eliza who now was realizing how much she hated hearing those words.

A/N- I'm sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to make another one when I get home from school or on the bus, but it may be short too

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