May 13th 2019

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It's my best friends birthday! And I feel horrible because I can't go to school cuz I'm sick af, turns out I have strep, so fun. But I also got into a gc (group chat) with gay people so- that's exciting.
I haven't been drawing a lot recently, and that kinda worrying me? Idk I just- every time I do draw it ends up really bad,  like someone is holding gun point to my head to draw, like it's not creative and I always incomplete it. Idk it just really bothers me, also the other day I was talking to someone I never talk to, and like no one texts me so I said "I have no friends lol" and like she said "what about me huh?" And I- BITCH WE N E V E R TALK HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED BE FRIENDS IF I DONT KNOW YYOU FIDHSISHK
But anyways, that it, that the end of whatever this is, oh also don't expect to like, vent here cuz I don't do that lol, uhm but yeah

Sincerely~ Dumb idiot
P.s. happy birthday Mac uwu 💖💖💖

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