May 14th 2019

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Today I have my friend her birthday gift— seems normal right? Lmao wrong. I have a cars mystery package, a My Little Pony mystery package, Mac n' cheese, a chocolate milk, silly string with gay stickers on it, gum, and a card :) also I put everything in a bag, and the bag had a cross on it cuz like- JESUS IS LIFE!!1!1!111!1!' dOnT fOrgEt tHaT kIDs!1!1!11!!!1!1!
Also I took that Kprep Test cuz I'm in middle school, yippie, but I did reading part B, and since I wasn't here yesterday I also did reading part A. It was,,,,boring. Except for the one with Alpacas and Llamas uwu there so cute¿!!?¿!1 Fun fact, my neighbor has a mini farm and they have an alpaca :) major uwu
Ok well that's is lmao, that's the end.

Sincerely~ a gay dumbass 💖🌈
P.s. I know no one reads these

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