Lucy #16

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We reached the house and Clint knocked. »Don't you have keys to your house?« I asked, kinda annoyed and rolled my eyes. He grinned: »But then she notices us earlier.« That didn't make sense to me, so I just nodded and thought, about the inexistent meaning of his talk. What the fuck? Someone ripped me out of my thoughts and opened the door.  A young woman with brown hair and caring facial expression. »Hey, you're Laura then?« She smiled and I shook her hand. »I am Lucy or Lou. It depends on what you prefer.« She seemed a bit overstrained with me and a lot of words, that just came out of my mouth. So she decided to give her husband a kiss, which made me feel like a third wheel. Thanks a lot.

She let us in, I felt her fear and uncertainty. »It's okay, Laura. I know it's weird that I am 500 years older than you, but I am definitely not as dangerous as you think.« Her eyes opened, just like she wanted to ask where I knew it. It's obvious I guess... Clint sat down on a big table and pointed on another chair. Laura went to the kitchen. I also sat down. »So you two also have kids?« Clint smiled at Laura. »Three proud children.« I grinned. Cute. »When can I meet them?« And suddenly everything froze. I felt the cold from Laura, she didn't want me to see their children. She wanted to protect them from me. Ouch? Am I that bad? I lowered my head. I felt Clint's and probably also her view on me, awkward. »Sorry.« Was the only word, which came out of me. I wasn't able to say anything more, I absolutely ruined the situation, even though it was already keyed up before.

»You did nothing wrong, Lucy. Laura is just very protective. That's her.« He smiled again, while he said her name. Love. So disgusting, until it hits you too... Laura came with some pots. The food was inside. One of them was filled with rice, the other one with a sauce. »What's in there? I am a vegetarian...« They both laughed. »That's a dessert, Lou.« Laura said and also sat down next to Clint.  After every plate was full and we'd started eating no one talked. I thought about my real dad and my mom. I wasn't able to meet my mom, Hydra adopted me as a baby and as I went to look for her when I was a child, someone told me that she was killed. I was very traumatized after I'd heard the bad news. Everyone who's momma is still alive is so lucky. Then I noticed a bit... was it jealousy inside me? Jealous of those kids, who live the best life they could hope for, with loving and absolutely amazing parents - and all that on a farm in the middle of nowhere. They looked like they had no sorrows. Yes, I was really jealous.

We finished our lunch and I brought my plate in the kitchen. »Thank you.« Laura said and smiled at me. I nodded; uncertain if I should do the same or not. Then I heard some voices whispering. »Please Daddy! We finally want to meet her...« Then Clint's voice followed and very soon a tiny boy appeared in the doorframe. He looked really shy and tried to hide from me. Aww, that's actually cute! He reached out his hand to me and I grabbed and shook it. »Hey, what's your name?« He looked so uncertain. Then he whispered: »Nathaniel.«

»Wow, that's a really beautiful name.« I smiled at him and crouched down onto my knees. »Are you an Avenger too?« That little boy asked next. I thought about how to formulate my answer. „It's complicated" was a little too inscrutable for him. So I just went for an easy one. »Yes, I think so.« His eyes started shining. »Wow, do you have superpowers?« But Laura interrupted his son softly. »Don't be that nosy, darling.« He went to his mom and I sat up again, I noticed the other two „kids". Well, they were a bit older than that, let's call them teens.

A girl about fourteen years and a boy who was a bit older. They all looked really good - no wonder with parents like that, damn! »Hey... I am Lucy.« I felt so sheepish, it wasn't right to be here and destroy this lucky family, their life. The girl told me her name, Lila. »And my name's Cooper.« The boy grinned and I immediately got goosebumps. »Excuse me, I just need... air right now.« I knew I looked like a beaten dog, and it was really embarrassing, but this amount of perfection was too much for my chaotic being.

Clint understood me. Again. What would I do without him? »Lila, would you like to take her outside for a moment?« The girl nodded zealously and took my hand. She pulled me in the door's direction. That much friendliness strengthened my embarrassment a lot, but it was quite pleasant. Noticing that someone cares about me. I wasn't used to that. Because who would've cared about me? My dead mom, my lost dad or Hydra itself?! The girl, Lila, also sensed my abstraction and asked carefully: »Is everything alright? You seemed pretty uncomfortable in there.« I smiled at her, well let's say I tried to. It looked really feeble. I sighed deeply. »You and your family are just too kind and perfect..«

She laughed again. But it was a sardonic laugh. »You think we're perfect, huh? Trust me, every time dad leaves us we are afraid, that something could happen to him. We can only see him barely often. It's horrible.« And this made me notice, that their life was not that completed. They are scared. Clint only shows up sometimes. And they live alone, probably the kids have to help Laura with everything and so on... Well, maybe my existence as a goddess isn't that bad. I thought kind of grateful for what I had.

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now