Ch. 4: Helping Hand🥀

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(M/n) walks into the lunch room, heading over to get some milk. After paying for it, he walks to the doors that lead outside. He twists the cap, and takes a sip of his dairy drink while walking across the room. But before he could touch the door, someone behind him kicks behind his knees, making him fall forward. His head slamming on the door in-front of him and his milk spilt on his shirt. His backpack slips off his shoulder falling right next to him. The loud thud makes people in the room quiet down and stare at the scene. He feels a shock of pain on the left side of his head. He reaches his hand up to inspect it, once he touches the sore spot, he hisses and retreats his hand away. Looking down at his hand, blood is covering his fingertips.

"Oh, is the poor baby hurt." A voice behind him spits. He turns his head to look who it is, Namjoon and behind him were Jimin and Hoseok.

"That's for bumping into me this morning." He sneers then walks away. Jimin walks up to (M/n) smirking, he takes his hands out of his coat pockets and crouches down to his level.

"Looks like you cut your head. What a shame, I was hoping it would be your face. You know, you make you look more like a pig than you already are." He laughs, he pushes (M/n)'s face to the side. "Stop looking at me with those eyes with your gayness, it disgusts me." He gets up and walks to Hoseok and they walk away laughing. Everybody just snickers and whispers to each other.

(M/n) slowly gets up, his head aching and his body sore. Picking up his backpack and heads out the door to the courtyard. He sits by his usual tree, sighing and laying his head against it. He closes his eyes, letting reality drift off.


(M/n) wakes up with somebody shaking him. He grunts, a mild headache lingering. When he flutters his eyes open, the first thing he sees is someone crouched down to his level. He rubs his eyes, looking more closely to who woke him up. Yoongi.

"Found you." Yoongi smiles. In that moment (M/n) forgets how to breathe. That gummy smile lighting up his world.

He's gorgeous....Absolutely gorgeous....I feel as though I'm dreaming.

"Hey, you alright?" Yoongi asks. (M/n) shakes out of his daze after he realizes he's staring at him. He looks down embarrassed.

"Y..yeah. I'm fine." (M/n) answers quietly, his cheeks slightly red. He looks back up at Yoongi, "so, uh...why are you here?"

"Well, you ran off last night before I could ask for your number. So, when I saw you sleeping against this tree, I decided to approach you." Yoongi explains, the words shocking (M/n).

"Oh. Well..uh...sorry about that, I just thought I was making you uncomfortable. Haha" (M/n) nervously says.

"Oh! No, you didn't make me uncomfortable. If anything you..helped me. And I thank you for that." Yoongi smiles. Making (M/n) smile back.

Stop making me falling more in love with you, I don't think I'll be able to handle it.

"But, I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Min Yoongi." Yoongi continues.

I know, everyone knows. Your what everyone wishes to be. Or wishes to be with.

"Nice to meet you Yoongi, I'm (M/n) as you know." (M/n) answers back, acting oblivious.

"Yeah, your the very quiet kid. I knew your name, I just didn't connect the dots until I seen you just now." Yoongi confesses, sitting down in the grass across from (M/n).

He knows me too..just not like everyone else does. I'm the quiet kid in his eyes. And a faggot in others. But I wonder if he knows that part

"Yeah, that's me." (M/n) answers quickly. Yoongi looks at (M/n), studying his features. But he stops when he finally sees the dried blood along one side of his forehead, and down the side of (M/n)'s face, near the hairline.

"Hey...what happened to your head? You have dried blood on the side of your face" Yoongi asks, moving over to (M/n) to inspect it.

In that moment, (M/n) remembers the cafeteria incident. Curses to himself for not cleaning himself up.

"Oh...uh, I fell in the cafeteria and hit my head. I guess I forget to clean it up." (M/n) answers, stretching the truth.

"You guess? Here, let me take you to the nurse so we can get that patched up." Yoongi tells him, he gets up and puts his hand out for (M/n) to take. (M/n)'s heart races, taking his hand and Yoongi pulling him up from the ground. Yoongi lets go once (M/n) is up. (M/n) grabs his backpack and begins to walk with Yoongi to the nurse.

His hand was warm. Reminds me of home. The warmth of being safe, somewhere to belong. I feel safe with Yoongi, he's where I belong. He is my home.

Chapter 4 done! Anybody excited for summer? I know I am. Anyways I hope you enjoy! ☺️

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