Ch. 5: Mistake🥀

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Yoongi opens the door to the nurses office, to find no one. "I guess the nurse is out." He comments. He walks in with (M/n) following behind him.

"Here sit down over there, I'll find something to treat your head." Yoongi says, pointing to the white hospital like bed pushed to the wall near the windows. (M/n) goes and sits on the edge of the bed, taking his backpack off and setting it on the floor. He watches Yoongi search through the cabinets and drawers in silence. Once Yoongi finds what he needs, he walks to over (M/n) smiling.

I love your smile.

Yoongi leans near (M/n)'s face, cleaning his wound with a cotton swab and alcohol. (M/n) blushes slightly from how close Yoongi's face was, hoping for him not to notice.

I love how caring you are.

"Damn, you must of hit your head really hard. It looks like it going to bruise." Yoongi comments while trying to wipe the dried blood off (M/n)'s head with a rag and water.

"Yeah." (M/n) says softly. "I did." He thinks back at how verbally and physically abusive Yoongi's friends are. "I'm just clumsy. That's all" he adds while looking down from Yoongi's face.

I love how your not like them.

"Well it seemed that the Nurse ran out of ice packs, so make sure to ice your head when you get home. M'kay?" Yoongi instructs while getting up to put the supplies he used, away.

Your Nice, sweet, an angel.

"Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it." (M/n) smiles slightly.

I really do. Your the one person that doesn't hate me.

Yoongi walks back to (M/n), sitting next to him on the bed. "Your welcome, I'm glad to help" he sweetly smiles.

I love how you don't broken I am.

(M/n) turns his head to Yoongi, locking eyes with him. Both staying silence, for what seemed like forever but was a minute. A long minute that gave (M/n) to notice how his eyes lit up with life, swirling with color.

I wonder if you see my eyes aren't lit up with life anymore.

After a minute, Yoongi's phone rings. Making his eyes rips away from (M/n) to his phone. He answers, putting his phone to his ear.

"Hello?.....Oh, hey Joonie......Why? Do you need something?......Of course Taehyung and Jungkook would do that......Ok, I'll be there. Just meet me outside......Alright, bye." Yoongi hangs up and looks back at (M/n). "Well...I have to go help my friend Namjoon with something." He announces while getting up from the bed. (M/n) mentally winces at the name.

(M/n) grabs his backpack and gets up, following Yoongi to the door. "Well, I hope we can hang out more (M/n), your very interesting. But I will see you later." Yoongi smiles, making (M/n) smile back. Yoongi walks out the room, giving (M/n) a quick wave before disappearing.

I love you so much.

(M/n) begins to walk out into the hall, heading to the stairs. While walking, his phone starts to ring. He takes it out of his back pocket, and answers it, "hello?"

"My friends are coming over tonight and your going to stay in your room once your back here. Ok?" His mom bluntly says.

"B..but what about dinn-"

"Shut up you little shit! It's my home, and you'll to what I say! You will stay in your room and I don't want to hear a peep from you! They don't know I have a mistake living with me and I'd love to keep it that way. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y...yes, Mother." (M/n) whispers, he pulls his phone from ear and see's that his Mom has already hung up.

(M/n) breathes unsteady, clenching his phone in his hand. Tears falling silently from his eyes. "I'm a mistake. Maybe that's why everybody hates me" he quietly cries. A ding come from his phone making him look at it once more.

'Hey Cutie! I was just making sure I entered the right phone number. -Yoongi ❤️'

(M/n) sniffles, a small smile forming on his face.

Maybe everybody...but him.

Sorry that updates are slow, I've been busy lately. Also Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈 I hope you enjoy! 😘

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