Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is something new Roxas xiii__ my brother and I are doing besides the Truth and Dares we love to do. Hope you guys enjoyed and have fun reading!! Also this is our first story we both have ever written

A man with a black coat standing next to a unknown figure watching the shooting stars with one another. The light in the stars in every thousand years come together forming a heart full of stars and tonight was the day the stars formed into a beautiful Heart that shines all across the worlds

Of course both of the figures knew that the stars would formed into the heart this night.

"A year has passed Luxu are the exams about to begin for our keyblade wielders?"

The man with the black coat standing next to the unknown figure smirked watching the beautiful star "Well destiny is about to begin my lord. the power you seek will all be yours and I will observed as you commanded master."

The figure clapped his hand onto Luxu shoulder "I shall expect no failure from you Luxu. You should know my limited tolerance for failure! You already failed me once! Failed me again and I'll bathe the star with your hear!"

"Hmph that was a minor setback master but its all going according to plan you'll have the X blade and the power beyond the X blade!!" Luxu answered taking off his entire hood revealing Xigbar.

The figure scoffed watching the Stars breaking apart from each other from the heart.

One day later

A bright morning sunny day in Twlight town there are two young boys who look completely identical to one another and became best friends ever since the defeat of the Seekers of Darkness. Both boys have a striking blue eyes blinked out from under their golden bright color hair. The two boys are Roxas and Ventus they are both roommates, best friends, most importantly brothers, and currently lived in a decent size house owned by their best friends Axel and Isa who worked very hard to provide housing to them, Xion and themselves.

The boy Ventus staring outside from his bed as the sun was rising with birds across Twlight town

The mark of mastery is today. Roxas and I are definitely going to pass it with flying colors! Man my best friend Aqua and Master Yensid will be suprised what has transpired over the year. My brother Roxas and I have alot to show hopefully Sora trained usually he slacks off according to his best buddy Riku man I would be scared if he slacked off. No wonder why he failed the mark of mastery.

Ventus stretching off his bed letting out a sigh

All day yesterday he and his best friend Roxas were training as their friend Xion was training alone to impress the both of them on the mark of mastery. For his other friends Axel and Isa they were essentially working on the house fixing it up after he and Roxas accidentally nearly destroying 15% of the house

You know I wonder who's going to pass the Mark of mastery I know Roxas and I for sure I hope everyone passes them

Right about then Roxas yawns as he stretches up from his bed seeing his best friend watching the sun rising up

Hmm I wonder what my brother Ven is thinking about? We're going to pass the Mark of mastery exams with flying colors for sure nothing will ever hold us down. Once we passed we'll be masters. After spending a year with Ven I kinda want to travel around the worlds alongside him to see what the worlds have enstored for us

"Hey Ven!! You ready bro for the Mark of mastery for today!" Catching his brother attention and right way he threw his pillow at his face before his brother can even make reaction. "I guess you're not ready at all brother getting smacked by my pillow that easily bro even a toddler can duck it easily!"

Ven unamused by his brother comparison smirked "You really think so bro because I can say the same thing about you bro!" Right before Roxas can even say anything he got hit by his brother pillow.

Roxas couldn't help but smile as he came over to his brother putting his arm around his brother shoulder. "Well you're right about that brother! I guess we both aren't ready for the Mark of mastery after all!" Before rubbing his brother golden blond hair.

"Argh knock it off bro!" Ven yelled. As Roxas bursts into laughter after letting go. "That ain't funny at all brother!"

"Well Ven you should've seen look on your face when I rubbed your hair you're face just looked exactly like Sora when he's about to fail!"

Ven had stern look on his face but then Ven laughed "As if brother!"

"Now you sound like Xigbar Ven!" As both brothers sat down and laughed as Roxas summons his Oblivion keyblade in his right hand.

It didn't took too long before Ven noticed his brother summoned his Oblivion keyblade and seeing his brother concerned. "Are you alright brother?"

Roxas stood there like a zombie before giving his answer to his brother "Well it's just that time has passed by so fast ever since we met one another to train together to become keyblade masters. I'm quite curious what do you want to do once we become keyblade master?"

The question startled Ven as he scratched his head

Well what do I want to do? hmm I don't know what to tell my brother to be honest with him. But we've made so much progress together and we shared many moments I'll never forget! If it weren't for him I wouldn't be who I am today I'm truly grateful I have met Roxas my best friend and brother.

Just then Ven got his answer on what he wants to do once he and Roxas become keyblade masters "Well to be honest with you brother after all the time we spent together I kinda want to explore all the worlds I can with you! You're my best friend and most importantly my brother!! Everything that has transpired between us  I enjoyed every minute of it! To travel the worlds without my brother and friend who is always there for me. no way I want to do it alone!"

Roxas smiled couldn't believe what he heard from his brother he guess he shouldn't be suprised but really he is suprised of what he heard from his brother. "Thanks Ven that means alot to me. I'm truly grateful I had met you thank you for being my brother and best friend."

Ven nodded watching the sun has finally made it's peak

"Don't sweat it Roxas you'll always be my best pal and after all we have the Mark of mastery to take bro!"

"That's right Ven and Roxas we'll all have to take it today you two guys better hurry up otherwise we'll all missed the train in 15 minutes and failed our Mark of mastery." A clear voice that can be heard behind them

The voice is Xion a great friend of theirs

Both Roxas and Ven turned their attention towards her. Both of the brothers smiled at one another and nodded

"You're right Xion! Ven and I will be there right before you know it! Right Ven?" Roxas said turning his head towards Ven. As Roxas stood up.

"Couldn't agree any more brother!!" As Ven also stood up summoning his keyblade and raising it to the air. With Roxas also summoning his other keyblade raising both of his keyblade next to his brother keyblade in the air

In a unison both brothers said "May we all passed it together!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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