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"Where is she?" he said looking around. He started to get impatient. Two guys from the other class walked by there names were Logan and Isaiah. The two were big homophobes. When they saw Jordan, they saw it as a opportunity to attack.

"Hey." Logan said almost yelling. Jordan jumped to the sudden action.

"You're gay, right?" Jordan was still in shock and he didn't answer.

"Look, he's stuck." Isaiah said Logan started to laugh in Jordan's face.

"I-I'm not g-gay" Jordan said shyly.

"What's going on here?" It was Lillian, Jordan felt a big relief. Logan rolled his eyes

"None of your business little whore." Lillian was shocked.

"Who are you calling a whore?" Logan begins to laugh again.

"You answer that question yourself." Logan snapped at her.

"Great, we have a gay whore and a female whore." said Isaiah.

"He's not gay thank you very much, and also he's my boyfriend." Lillian crossed her arms and stuck out her tongue.

"Whatever you say little whore." Then Logan and Isaiah walked away.

"Thank you Lillian." said Jordan. Lillian proudly smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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