A Short Special One-Shot

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OKAY! Forgive me if i deleted my Marvel book of One Shots. Well, personal reasons but hey, this story had reached 5.5k+ reads! Thank you soo much for reading and supporting this one my fellow marvel kitties!

Here is a special one-shot, well out of the story.

About the sequel? It's on the works now and i know you're waiting for it!

Comment what you think and vote for ❤️

Enjoy reading!


Captain Marvel and the rest of the  avengers are fighting off the black order and their army to protect vision and the eye of agamotto. Thor can be seen swinging his stormbreaker as he flew up in the sky and throw his mighty axe at Ebony Maw who dodged it swiftly as he chuckled.

"You call yourself a God when you can't even hit a powerful wizard such as i am".he grinned as Thor rolled his eyes and lean his hand to grab the stormbreaker back on his grasp. Captain Marvel can be seen flying through the other alien monsters as she used her energy beam to kill them off.

"I'll distract him, hit him when i give you the signal".she exclaimed as she and Iron man both hit the other monsters using their energy beam as they flew past each other. Thor grinned as he swing his axe."I like her".he uttered as War Machine flew past him, dropping missile bombs at the other incoming alien monsters.

"Focus on the battle, Thor".Rhodes snickered as Thor hissed, swinging his axe to jump his way up at the sky and hit the incoming grinders that are about to hit some of the avengers. Captain America ran his way to fight of Proxima and shield Natasha from Ebony Maw's attack.

"Thor! On my mark!".Captain Marvel exclaimed as she flew her way to punch Ebony Maw, who is distracted on fighting off Captain America and Thor grinned, swinging his axe as he flew his way to hit Ebony Maw with his axe. Thor and Captain Marvel flew past each other but he grabbed her hand and swung her back to use her leg to kick her way to hit Ebony Maw's chest. This caused the sorcerer to fall down.

War Machine flew his way with Falcon to distract the rest of the children of Thanos. Captain Marvel flew with Thor as they gave a gleeful high five at each other as Iron Man gave Ebony Maw an intense hit on the face using his full pack punch."Yeah! way to go you guys! Same with the flying couple!".Banner exclaimed as War Machine chuckled in reply."Yeah, i've been noticing this two".he said as Captain Marvel and Thor fought their way to protect the wakandian soldiers as Captain Marvel raised her eyebrow.

"What do you mean flying couple? You mean the iron guy and the bird?".she said as this made Iron Man crackle an amused laugh.

"Nice, never knew the saiyan woman would be this oblivious".

"Stark, we're on a battlefield".

"What? Care to have a few flaming lovers while fighting this aliens?".Iron Man grinned as Thor rolled his eyes."Shut up, Stark".Both Thor and Captain Marvel punched the opposite monster that was about to attack them and this amused Rhodes even more.

"Sweet, last time i check were rooting for vision and wanda".

"HEYYYYY".Nat exclaimed while kicking the other alien monsters butt as Falcon chuckled.

"Well, the ship is true, why not root for this two?".Rhodes teased as Captain Marvel flew past him causing him to fall a little.

"She's pissed!".Captain America exclaimed with a smirk as Thor flew past War Machine.

"So was i!".

It Started with a Punch [ A Thor x Captain Marvel Fanfic] Where stories live. Discover now