PUntitled Part 16

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Makoto: Not yet but I wish~

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Makoto: Not yet but I wish~


Leon & Hagakure: I- We- Yes we both did.

Me: grosssSs

Ishimaru:Mondo and I.

Mondo:I ThOuGhT You WeRe BETEr ThaN ThIS MARu-


Mondo, watches scary movie:

Mondo, after:

Mondo not freaking out and clings to Ishimaru like a baby:

Ishimaru: I like him

Me:I know

Ishimaru:He's my boyfriend.

Me:I know Ishi.


Gonta: Gonta love all insects along with spiders! But scorpions scare Gonta a bit!


Makoto: Thank you bunches!

Hajime:, Thanks.

Suichi:It's appreciated


Suichi:*Has kokichi's scarf on*

Naegi:*Has Togami's Jacketmon*
(mistakes were made, funny mistakes)

Hajme:*Has Komeda's jacket on*



Komeda:*Blushing intensly* O-Oh Hinita-Kun has a crush on me..

Togami:*Already covering his blushing face*

Kokichi:*Asleep like the rat he is*


Me:Remeber to-



Mukuro: And pray for the fallen people.

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