Chapter one: One small memey murderboi

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Chapter One: One Small Memey Murderboi Coming Right Up!

"Hey, guys!" One for All cries, jumping to another rooftop. The camera jolts as it follows him but the visual remains good. As more viewers click onto his live stream, they're greeted with the sight of One for All running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

"It's ya boi, One for All! Running from the police, yet again," One for All enthusiastic cry turns to a groan at the end. "This is like... The third time this week? Maybe fourth?" He rambles. As One for All runs, he lifts his arm up where an electronic is strapped to his right arm. One for All's camera is located somewhere in his mask so they can see whatever he sees, as long as he tilts his head wherever he's looking, meaning they can see him checking the comments.

Current viewers: 3,047


Hey OFA! What we doing today

Fifth time, actually.

Why are they even chasing u at this point. their never gonna catch u

did you kill another criminal and i missed it?

thanks for all your hard work though!! xxx

What were you doing before the stream?

I think its the fourth time

One for All gives a warm chuckle. "Well then. Apparently, it's the fifth time this week? Man, I'm really losing count here. What are the police even doing at this point?" One for All laughs as he chucks himself over a ledge, allowing himself to free fall to the ground. With impressive reflexes, One for All kicks off the wall and skids on the side of a dumpster to slow down his speed before jumping off. Sprinting down the alleyway, One for All descended into the maze of allys.

u need to be careful before u get hurt

whats the stream for today

Do you even know where youre going

thanks for everything!


fifth time? theyre actual trying 2 get u


Be careful, One for All!

"Today's been a great day, actually. To those who missed the stream earlier, we had Yuko Arokumo arrested for rape and assault. Since there was a total of around 4000 votes, I didn't wait for more people to show up. Sorry 'bout that, guys! Which now leads to why the police are chasing me. Personally, I think it's pretty telling how they found me and stuff."

Yeah!! That was actual justice

thank you for listening

I still think he should have been killed.

the police should just give up on you -_- their never gonna catch u + everyone loves u

Arokumo got what he deserves, thanks to you

oh!! so thats why there chasing you!!

b careful not 2 get hurt honey xx

Suddenly, an officer ran into the alley, having caught up with the famous vigilante. One for All heard the clicking of the gun before he heard the actual man himself. One for All turned around, a serious expression at the officer in blue that aimed a gun.

"Put your weapons down and your hands in the air if you don't want to be hurt!" The officer demanded, pointing his gun directly at One for All's chest. One for All didn't miss a beat, a smirk covering his face.

Memey MurderboiWhere stories live. Discover now