Chapter 3:

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Midoriya Izuku was drawing in his notebook as the teacher rambled on about something that Izuku really wasn't paying attention to. Usually, he would be listening and making notes - he was a very good student - but right now, he was swamped with work and he needed to get ahead of it. He had discovered that throughout the past few years, there had been a sort of an increase and decrease in villain activity - an anomaly. It almost looked normal on the charts but Izuku had realised that there was something... off. Random villains had disappeared, as well as citizens. It should be posed as an entirely normal event, given it just factors into the normal villain activity rate but there was just something so wrong about it that Izuku had to investigate. He just couldn't figure it out.

Villains disappeared, weak and powerful with quirks of all types and there was nothing new on the subject. It was weird because Izuku hadn't found any information on said villains being taken down by heroes, or even other villains, or heck, going back to their daily lives - the weaker and lower class villains were much easier to identify. But it irked Izuku. Even knowing their identities, he didn't know where they were going. They weren't killed by other villains, they weren't taken down by heroes, they weren't going back to their lives and they weren't leaving the city or country. So where were they going? They just up and vanished. It didn't exactly help Izuku that since they were villains, the heroes and police hadn't put much effort into it. For the most part, Izuku could understand why - they were villains and it was their job to get rid of them and if they just happened to disappear, then it made their job easier. Perhaps Izuku shouldn't be investigating it himself since he did have more active matters to attend to but it just somehow seemed important. Besides, if he didn't do it, who would?

A part of him wouldn't rest until he figured it out. For all he knew, whatever caused those disappearances could turn out to be a big problem and they just didn't know it yet. If that was the case, then it'd best to solve the problem before it got bigger and more difficult to defeat. Also, Izuku was fairly sure that some of these villain disappearances also factored into the civilian disappearances. They seemed similar and it had the exact same mo. No bodies and absolutely never heard of again. Gone, without a trace. The only problem was that Izuku couldn't find a way to connect them together or find a common goal. The disappearances had absolutely nothing in common, that Izuku could tell at least. But Izuku knew, he just knew, there was something connecting them all together. He had looked into their profiles as much as he could and couldn't find any connections in terms of friends, family, history or even jobs. In terms of the more shady connections, there was nothing. The only connection he did find was two villains having the same drug dealer but that was it and said dealer himself was still dealing - Izuku had already made a mental note to start tracking him down and give him a trial. He was fairly sure his viewers would appreciate it if he got rid of a drug dealer for them.

Izuku was startled out of his thoughts as the entire class erupted into roars. Izuku's head whipped back and forth, wondering what on earth he had just missed. Several of his classmates were showing off their quirks, cheering loudly and his teacher had just thrown some papers into the air which was now fluttering through the air of the chaotic classroom.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be a hero!"

"You bet, teach!"

"Just ya watch, I'm gun be the best hero in the future!"

"I'm going to be the best!"

Izuku blinked, his mind struggling to reboot and change topics from his previously deep thought train to processing what was happening. Heroes? Future? Best? What? Oh, wait. Izuku finally caught onto what was happening after a few seconds. They were talking about what they wanted to do once they left this school. If Izuku remembered correctly, he had put U.A General Education on his form. It would be incredibly risky for him, given how he was also One for All in a school full of heroes and future heroes that weren't exactly on his side. Although he did sometimes wonder what would happen if heroes were to capture him. Yes, he was a murderer, but by many people's definition, he was a hero. Especially since he only ever did what the public wanted. If he was sentenced for his crimes, they would have a looooot of evidence of him - y'know, given the fact he broadcasted and posted his every single move online and such. That was bound to be some solid evidence.

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