Chapter 2: Trial By Public Interest

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Chapter Two: Trial by Public Interest

"YEET!" One for All cried as he threw the villain's gun a far distance away. "Won't be needing that any time soon!" The villain made a vague noise of surprise but before he was allowed to recover any further, One for All jumped into the air, his body spinning as his leg came out, kicking the villain across the face. The villain crashed to the ground with a loud yelp while One for All landed gracefully. "And that's how you do it, kids!"

He could see multiple comments appearing on his screen but he ignored them for now, not allowing himself to get distracted. Just because the villain was on the ground didn't mean he was out of the fight. He couldn't afford to let his guard down. One for All lifted his leg into the air and then using as much force as he deemed necessary - which was quite a bit - he allowed his leg to crash downwards, hitting the villain's neck. The villain slammed into the ground harshly and One for All was pretty certain that he was now unconscious.

"Alright! Now that that's over, let's get this trial started!" One for All cheered. He pulled some rope out of one of the compartments on his utility belt. Securing the villain's arms behind his back, One for All tied him up and set him against the wall. One for All spared a quick glance to the screen on his right wrist, checking the comments of his stream.

What did he do again?

your fighting has really improved

police might be on their way, be careful xxx


thank you ofa

whats going on

When u can fight better than trained professionals,,,

who is this and hwat did he do?


i recognise him. just kill him and save everyone the trouble.

One for All stared at the comments, just quickly taking in what everyone was saying before he pulled his phone out of his pocket. Although he was known as the "voice of the people", he had also gained the title of "Tech hero" because he was... well, he had a lot of tech. He liked to build little gadgets that helped him with his work and of course, any time he built anything, he live streamed it and showed his viewers as he built every item, the purpose it was for, how it was supposed to work, the test trials, etc. There was nothing his viewers didn't know about him - except his identity. It was the one thing he had asked that be kept a secret and his viewers had agreed to his one condition, which was something he greatly appreciated. Of course, One for All wasn't stupid. He knew it put him in exceptional danger, broadcasting his every gadget and everything he used, especially how it was used and what it was all for. If villains watched his stream and some probably did, they would know all about everything he used. The only thing he had yet to use was his 'quirk', which... he didn't have. Not that anyone needed to know that. Though the theories were always amusing to him and there were plenty of theories. In fact, One for All had counted - there was 107 different theories on what his Quirk could be but no one ever guessed he was quirkless.

They just thought he liked inventing stuff, which wasn't all too wrong. Everything he used was created himself - except his phone, which he had modified multiple times to suit his needs. It was dangerous broadcasting his every strength and weakness but One for All chose to do it anyway, regardless of the danger. He had promised to be truthful with his followers and not hide a single of his actions in mask from him. He intended to keep that promise, regardless of the risk it brought.

One for All stared at his phone, pressing one of the apps he had made. Immediately, the drone he had made that followed him everywhere, flew closer. Attached and built into said drone was a few of his extra inventions for an emergency and a camera, recording everything from a different angle. One for All used two main different cameras - the one in his mask to broadcast everything he saw and the one attached to his bot that always faithfully followed behind him to show a wider range of what was going on around him. It also helped show his viewers his movements since they couldn't see it as well through his eyes. The drone floated by One for All's chest, having lowered itself closer to him. Pressing another command on his phone, the drone settled before the villain, giving the viewers a very clear shot of the man. One for All walked around, checking for any potential threats. After ensuring the perimeter was secure for now, One for All walked back over to the villain.

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