Letters to you.

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Action speak louder than words.
They don't.
So many times ,so many things become easy when it comes to words.
Not everyone needs actions to let them know they are loved.I know it is very important that we when we say ,we love someone,we mean it.And the only safest means to communicate this message is through our actions.But not always.
You have no idea what happens to a person and their emotions when they sit quietly in a room ,all by themselves and read something you wrote for them.Its not like they are alone.They read it in your voice,imagining your smile and laughter and even your tears.
They read it with the same pain and love with which you wrote.And  even when they are alone,they aren't actually lonely.Because they have your voice in their mind,almost as if that's the only voice they possess.
I wonder why have people stopped writing letters?
I mean how can you possibly not miss that wierd  feeling ,an amalgamation of shock and surprise that hits you when you open a folded piece of paper and read it out loud to the walls of your room.
Have you ever thought ,how much these  walls in your room have to hear even though you never realise you're speaking to them.Just because they are wrapped in colour doesn't mean they can't absorb words.
Even walls absorb words.Whats wrong with us then?
I don't mean to discourage any materialistic ways of yours to express love.But let me tell you.The feeling of holding a pen and pouring out your heart ,knowing that the one who reads it might not even understand what you're writing ,and yet,you manage to write.It is a different kind of love.But it is love nevertheless.Words might not be louder than actions.But they are surely deep.Deep enough to move past the cracks of the wall in your room and deep enough to move past the cracks in your heart that are nothing less than open wounds.
My favourite colour is yellow.How am I suppose to let the colour know about my love for him?
So I do what I do the best.
I write.

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