Hold on

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There is power in what we hold.There is greater power in how we hold what we hold.
Do you feel a sense of comfort when you hold hands with the right kind of people?When you hold hands that you trust or the ones that help you hold your ground because they possess the kind of power that matches yours.That's exactly why you like holding hands because there is an amalgamation of your energy and theirs and it feels nice when the energy transfers from the right kind of people.
Your hands alone, hold so much power.You wipe your tears with your hands .You hold a camera to capture a beautiful moment with your hands.You savour food ,art, and the touch of everything that gains your attention using your hands.You build sandcastles.You destroy them.You create things and break them.You collect things and you throw them.You meet people.Shake hands.Wave your hands and bid them farewell.And if they stay,you hold onto them.To their hands in yours.So much power.
You hold because holding feels safe.You hold because when yours aren't enough,you get to hold onto theirs,to feel the power and the sense of comfort.So you hold on.
Sometimes you hold on because you fear letting go and sometimes because you don't want to let go and you want the energy and the power you possess to continue to stay.So hold on.You hold onto hands.
It is that simple.You don't just have to hold when you grow up.You held your mom's index finger the moment you saw she was going away.You held onto her hands while crossing the road because you had no sense of direction.You held her hands the day you were happy she bought you your favourite toy and you wanted to cling to her.You held your friend's hand when you jumped into the puddle of water on a rainy day.You hold onto their hands when they fall so that you can lift them up.You held hands and you still hold them.
I saw two kids holding hands and walking around the park.They were laughing at god knows what.Then one of them fell down,used her hands to pick herself up and dusted them together.She regained the power she lost to dust and held his hand again and they continued to walk swinging the magic in their palms back and forth.

Lost letters💛

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