I see you.

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Why is crying such a big deal?
If it was suppose to be a natural  response to something undesirable or painful,then why is it a big deal?
We smile.We laugh.And then there are moments we cry.We create puddles of our own tears on the fine cotton bedsheets beneath us.Somedays we are strong enough to cry alone and then there are days when we are vulnerable enough to open up to others and show them the kind of mess we are when we shed tears like Alice in our not so wonder lands.
I saw a girl half my age cry for something as petty as the fear of getting punished at school.I saw a girl as old as me cry because she had to deal with her pathetic monthly subscription.I heard a six year old boy weep because he saw his mother breaking down.I came across a father who cried as he held his daughter for the first time.I saw a mother shed enough tears while her child tried to overcome her demons.
I saw myself too.In front of the mirror.On days when I cried because crying made me smile as I let out all the worries that had found home in my heart.Even on days when I cried for people I care,I saw myself in the mirror,the ugly mess I turn into , only to end up forgetting why I cried in the first place.
Basically.To me,crying is like getting rid of the emptiness within you only to create an empty space to store some laugher and smiles.So that it  becomes easy to forget why you cried in the first place.
And yes.I even heard a little girl cry in the middle of the night,not  knowing why.Somewhere in her,I saw myself.

Lost letters 💛

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