the plan

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As I look around after what I said the core I finally see the kid and he is HOT! AF .
"Right I want to keep this hunting party tight ok "  I said " gun right " pointing to gun he confirms is "love the name you a good fighter " I asked
"I hold my own " he says with confidence "sham your with me and the kid " the kid has a name" oh god help me Evan in his voice  I sexy


After I said that I had a name she turned around and said "connor"
Oh geez I love it when she says my name. "Look I am going to need you if I can't take him out I want you to have the trank gun" what why not me I am strong I glared  at gun but stop be for anyone noticed  "If anyone as any other  ideas  this is a salvage mission  not search and destroy" "ok"she looks around at everyone  ....wait what we are not going to kill him " no not ok you think you can just brez in here and start bossing every one around your not a part of this " "If you think I will not kill Angelus if he comes at me then ." Wjy did i say that now she will never like me well done connor "Listen junior if I need a blood hound I will call you If Angelus needs putting down I will be the one to do it not you"  she is sexy when mad "anything else  your not ok with no ok then" I look at her sad that she said that but cover it with a blank face be for she realizes.


Ok no matter how hot or cute he is nobody says that to me at all but I shows he has balls and that is sexy as he'll I saw a hurt look on his face then it went blank thinking I didn't see but I don't think I am the only one to see Cordelia  saw and glare at me for hurting her 'son'

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