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Bad at LOVE written by Seoulfeels

©2019 Seoulfeels All Rights Reserved

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Bad at Love - Halsey


Namjoon was invited to yet another house party from a sunbae that he can't really say 'no' to Jiho. He's a well respected sunbae that he knew since he was 14 years old until he left the country for a school program where he gets to be a transfer student in Japan.

Parties like this are just simple, there's alcohol, cigarettes and music. Most of those who attend are Korean Anericans and a bunch of their foreign friends.

Most of them don't really talk to Namjoon. He's not really the party type. When someone talks to him, he mostly talk about philosophy and current events that people get bored easily. One thing about him is that he's a klutz.

He would open a bottle of beer and ends up breaking the top portion of the bottle, spilling the beer all over him and the floor.

Open a pack of cookies and would unawarely excert too much force, and ending up with flying all over the place.

That made them think he's a loser.

Sometimes people would make fun of something when drunk, and won't think it's as funny when sober. So they would spread rumors of how much of a nerd Namjoon is, and laugh about it just to have an entertainment for the night.

Because of that he grabbed a beer, plopped on a hammock outside and started to write lyrics. He's an underground rapper known for vicious words and excellent amounts of punch lines. They can laugh at him the whole night, he's allowing them but, he might as well do something he enjoys doing.

"Really? Cute guys attend this party?"

"Yes! Of course!"

"I'll introduce you to Dean. He'll be here."

He was distracted with a bunch of girls entering the the yard. He knows this group but, they brought a new one. This one girl he's never seen at Jiho's party before, though he's seen her perform on the streets. She often sings tragic and sad songs.

Their eyes met, making her stop her tracks and stared at Namjoon. From head to toe, he looks really interesting. The right kind of trouble that she's looking for tonight.

Her friends noticed her stop, following where she's currently staring at. They all cringed when they saw that is was Namjoon. They don't really have a personal encounter with him but they rely too much on the rumors.

Because everybody laughs at him all the time, they saw him as dirty as trash, that just by looking at him they felt disgusted. "Halsey, not him honey. You don't want to be involved with a loser." They said followed by giggles as if Namjoon couldn't hear them.

Though Halsey wanted to get to know him, she just played along and giggled, following her friends.

Namjoon went back to his lyrics, trying to be brutal as possible with his choice of words but, after that eye to eye contact with Halsey, all he could ever though of are the most flowery words he never knew he would think of.

Because of that, he stopped writing and played down for a bit, staring at the stars. As usual, they look so pretty. It's like someone spilled glitters into the night sky.

While he was staring at the sky, flashes of his Halsey's face interrupted her thoughts. He felt like an idiot for letting an eye contact mess up her mind like this. It's not like it would mean something to her like it meant for him. She's interesting. He wanted to know her.

But then he recalled that she also giggled like everyone does.

Maybe she's just one hell of a bitch too.

"Bro! What are you doing alone? Come join us." Jiho sat beside him, to shake him awake.

"What's the point? They're all gonna laugh at me anyways. I'll just enjoy myself here." He said making Jiho stand up and stare at him. He really looks drained.

He thought maybe it was wrong to force his friend to socialize when he's in fact an introvert.

He was about to leave when the ropes of the hammock snapped. Namjoon squealed in fear. He sat up kicking the ground like a spoiled kid forcing his mother to buy him toy. "Why does this happen to me? Why do I break everything?" He asked.

Jiho chuckled thinking it was funny that he thought it was actually his fault. It's not like this hammock is new. It's actually there since Jiho was born that the ropes are already thin and brittle. This guy believes his own rumors and might think that he's that unlucky guy in 'Just My Luck'.

"Well, you can just continue sulking there or join us with more beer inside." Jiho tired to make fun of Namjoon making him stand up and follow Jiho inside.

He has a point.

Staying miserable outside where it's cold and spooky would be a night wasted. He went for the couch grabbing a bottle of beer just to chill on his own. It's not like someone's going to bother him, they think he's going to break or spill something that everybody actually ran for their lives, leaving him alone in the couch.

Good. That's what he needed.

"Spin the fucking bottle." Jiho cheered, grabbing Namjoon's shirt, dragging him on the floor where everyone gathered.


A/N: First of all, I'd like to say sorry in advance. I apologize to Halsey, Namjoon, Rosè and Jennie for publishing this. You have the rights to sue me now.

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝙰𝚝 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 (RM X Halsey ff) √Where stories live. Discover now