Chapter 1 - Hit

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It was a nomal day like any other day, Kageyama and Hinata both were heading to the clubroom when they saw each other in the school hallway. They glared at each other, letting each other know they want to race to the volleyball clubroom for after school practice. 

Once they went beside each other they both said together, "3.....2.....1....GO!" And they both went off, and as they got closer to the clubroom, they started yelling. 

Not to long, they both ended up at the clubroom door and touched the door way exactly the same time. 

Both, out of breath looked at each other, Hinata smiled and said, "Tie?" Kageyama agreed, "Tie." 

Then they entered the clubroom together with Daichi, Suga, and Asahi already there with the volleyballs out and the net set up. They were already practicing so Hinata had to make themselves present, "Hey guys! We're here!" They all turned to look at Hinata and Kageyama, "Hey guys, glad you could make it." 

Suga said as he picked up the volleyball he saw on the ground. Daichi and Asahi nodded at Suga's comment and they went back to practicing. Not long after Hinata and Kageyama came in, Noya and Tanaka came in, as always, with a big entrance, "WHOA! WHAT'S UP YOU GUYS!" Tanaka said while trying to get in the door way before Noya could. "Yeah, What's up!" Noya tried greeting them, but his words were hard for him to say since he was also trying to get in the door first then Tanaka. Daichi, walked over to them and pulled both of them out of the doorway, "What's with you two you always do this!" His voiced trailed off. 

Hinata and Kageyama both wanted to try out there new move, so Hinata shouted, "Kageyama, toss for me!" Trying to ignore Daichi's loud lecture to Noya and Tanaka. Asahi and Suga backed away to the side of the net for a brake whie Hinata and Kageyama took the court to themselves. Hinata grabbed a volleyball and threw it towards Kageyama. He set it and Hinata ran super fast to the other side of the court while make a zig zag pattern. He jumped right in from of Kageyama, so he set it straight to Hinata. He hit it and it went over the net. They were so happy and Asahi and Suga could not believe what they just saw.

"Was that a new fast one?!" Asahi asked excitedly. Hinata and Kageyama looked back at him and nodded happily with excitment in their eyes. That's when Hinata and Kageyama noticed that Daichi was done lecturing Noya and Tanaka, and Tsuki and Yamaguchi showed up. "Did you see our new quick?!" Kageyama and Hinata said at exactly the same time to Daichi, Noya, Tanaka, Tsuki, and Yamaguchi. "No, and don't do that, it's creepy." Tsuki replied with his sarcastic attitude. Hinata seemed disappointed at the fact they didn't get to see it, so he ask Kageyama if they could do it again. He nodded in agreement and pickes up a ball and hands it to Hinata to thow to him. Once they go into position Hinata threws the ball up in the air for Kageyama to set, but when Kageyama looks over at Hinata to see where he's going to next, he dosen't realize that Hinata threw the ball short, and it wasn't high enough. When he looks back at the ball to set, it was too late.

Hinata jumped and looked at Kageyama, thinking that the ball will be coming from that direction, but when he looked back he sees Kageyama getting hit in the face with the ball and being knocked down to the floor. Once Hinata lands one the ground, he runs to Kageyama as fast as he could, "Kageyama! Kageyama! Can you hear me?! KAGEYAMA!!!" Hinata's voice started to fade away. Everyone else ran over, but Kageyama was unconscious.

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