Chapter 6

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i try and get all of that thought out of my mind and focus on trying to complete my homework in the library. I'm the only one here so i'm lucky that i don't have anyone bothering me to much. I try answering questions in my maths book but some of them are hard. I suck at maths, in fact i'm the worst student in the class when it comes to academics, but i can't complain.

"hey Marco" i turn to the sound of the voice and see Star smiling at me and walking towards me "how you going?" she ask as she seats next to me "seems like you're going homework"

"yeah I am" i answered "but as you properly know i'm not academically gifted"

"that's ok i can help you"

"r-really you would do that?" i ask

"yeah it's ok to not be good at everything, what makes you is yourself" Star said while she takes my book and gives it a read. I admire her and her lovely dress which is light blue with a red devil horn head band. "ah i see you got this wrong here i'll show you something"

i watch as Star fixes up some of the problems that i have and we done a few questions together so i get the concept of it. Thanks to her i would never would get this done in time for my next class.

"there you go Marco now you're getting it" Star said celebrating as i get the questions right

"thank you so much, how can i ever repay you?" i ask thanking her for all her help for helping me understand the questions

Star was thinking hard until she spoke "actually can i spend time with you here before our next lesson?"

"o-oh yeah sure, but don't you have a boyfriend to take care of?"

"oh Marco Tom has something else to do" she replied waving it off

i talk little bit more about myself to her. She's very opened about everything to me, i even got to listen to Star talking about her boyfriend and how amazing he is. It really dose bother me when she talks about him. Then she starts to talk about my friends and what she thinks about them.

"you're friends are kinda weird to be honest, especially the ginger kid" she said "like why would you hangout with a perv?"

i ask the same question to myself everyday about Ferguson "his not like this when i first met him" i answer "but every day he kinda gets annoying talking about it"

"tell me about" Star replies while flicking her hair back which actually kinda made me funny like in a love way "actually let me tell you about this one time, he actually tried to grab Jannas... while, you know" she said hiding away form it seems like embarrassment

"is it boobs?" i answered which i think i took a huge gamble to say it in front of Star

"Marco!" Star slaps me in the face "oh sorry it's just-"

i rub my face from where Star slapped me "a reflex?"

Star nods "no it's just i hate it when someone says that kind of stuff, unless it's Tom and my friends"


After school i hangout with both my friends again. I was going to stay with Star and walk home with her but she's doing something with her boyfriend after school. We are at Ferguson's house doing homework together, Ferguson place is the best because he tends to have the better food option then Alfonzo and I. We all do our homework in Ferguson's room so we can have our boys time.

"alright time to do the math homework" Alfonzo said as he turn over the pages of his book

"well i don't need to guys because i already done it"

both of the boys look at me "what!? but you suck in every subject" Alfonzo commented which he's right about.

"yeah but actually Star helped me with it"

Ferguson was already on his feet ready to bring the sex talk once again "dame Marco making the moves, tell me how close were you to touching them?"

"Ferguson shut up i would never think of doing that to her" i replied

"oh Marco you such a pussy, at least did you get a good angle at them?"

i wouldn't lie but i did get a good angle down her dress to see them as she was helping me "i don't have to answer that"

Ferguson lost his mind at this point shouting and jumping around like a girl. Alfonzo and i just watch as the ginger kid jumps all around the room like he struck the jackpot even though it was i that was close to it or them. However Star has been amazing so far and i really do hope we get close. Who knows, maybe down the line she might change her mind with Tom and be with me.

"Ferguson calm down, we are trying to do our homework" Alfonzo said starting to get annoyed

"but my boy Marco got to see a peace of those melons of the hottest girl in the school"

at this point i started to feel pissed off to the fact Ferguson is seeing Star as a pleasure object for him "Ferguson you getting out of hand calm the fuck down and do the fucking homework" i yell

both of them were shock to hear that i sworn at Ferguson "wow, wow Marco what the hell you never swear at all" Alfonzo

"yeah i only do so if i get annoyed or pissed so shut up Ferguson and do your homework"

Ferguson calm him self down and gone back to his homework book "alright, alright man calm down i'll stop" and so we get back to the homework and Ferguson started to become a very good teen boy, maybe afterwords i'll give him a treat for behaving.

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