Chapter 28

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i wake up to a brand new day and i look out the window... oh what sorry i can't cuz all i can see Is Stars sleepy face and her messy blond hair, though she dose still look cute sleeping. I start to move but i couldn't, Star still has me locked down.

"Marcooo, don't move" Star sleepily said hugging me even tighter then before, guess i'm stuck here until she wakes up. I look at the clock and i swear i hope she wakes up because the time shows 7am which is my normal time on waking up. Guess i'll have wait until Miss perfect here to wake up. As i wait i look at Star peacefully sleeping, smiling and feeling warm. It makes me happy to see that from Star. But it begs the question. is Star falling in love with me?

After waiting a god long hour and a half i feel Star moving, i look at her and see her blue eyes opening slowly, the first thing she sees is me, she smiles and slowly push her self up "m-morning Marco" she yawns while rubbing her eye "did you sleep well?"

man i can't stand how she looks right now and it doesn't help that i can see some cleavage, i blush thanks to them boobs "y-yeah i slept well... can you please let go off me"

she looked and realise that she was still warped around my stomach, she lets go and we both laugh it out. We both got up, I let Star take the shower first and waited, honestly that was the best sleep I ever had in a long time, just having someone like her cuddle up to me feel so warm and wanted. After we got our selfs sorted we head down stairs and see Moon and Eclipsa in the kitchen "oh look who's up" Moon said which Eclipsa notices "ah wonderful Marco, Star we got plans today for the both of you"

both Star and i look at each other confused "w-what do you mean?" Star ask shrugging her shoulders

"well since Marco is new around here and such we'll be spending time together while you and your mother go and do something special" Eclipsa answered with both hands together like shs's excited about the day.

"alright" Star replied "so what are we doing mum" she ask her

"you'll see dare but we'll be leaving soon" Moon answer.

Eclipsa picks up her baby and walks on ever to me "ohhh Marco i can't wait to spend the day together, we are going to have a lots of fun, isn't that right Meteora" she ask her baby daughter which she responded by making baby noises


After Star and Moon left the house we got to work. First we head to the barn house where all the horses are and feed them. There's a lot of them to go around to feed, we try and feed them all as quick as we can, the baby was playing with a bunch of hay throwing them up high and clapping. After that we head straight over to her flower garden to give them water. Sometimes in the middle of the work Meteora tends to be upset for not playing with her, we took turns in playing with Meteora for a good 5 minutes until we swap over, we use some of her toys in the house to distract her from eating the flowers or the dirt. After that we go to the chickens coop and pick out the eggs. It's probably my least favourite job because only one person can go inside the chicken coop while the other looks after the baby, so i was the one having to retrieve the eggs while at the same time defending myself from the angry chickens. Finally we came back to the house and started to make a cake the only fun part about the day with Eclipsa, not saying that all the jobs ain't fun but making cake is always the best job.

"Marco dear you mine handing over the eggs please" she ask

"sure thing" i said getting the eggs and handing it over to her "is this what you normal do everyday at the farm?"

"no Marco, normally my husband dose all that stuff while i look after the baby" she answer while creaking the eggs in a bowl "now it's a good time to talk about Star Marco"

i turn to Eclipsa confused "what about Star?" i ask her while she puts in the milk and the powered in the bowl and start to mix them

"Marco... i know you have a thing for Star" she said turning around and smirking

i started to freak out and blushed madly "n-no i don't" i replied nervelessly

she giggles "Marco you don't have to lie, i see how you look at Star in the last 24 hours, i remember when i fell in love with someone"

"r-really? w-what was it like then?"

"oh Marco it's wonderful, having a caring, charming and handsome man in my life has change my life, before i met my husband i dated another person in high school and i thought he was for me" she said telling her story

"what happened?"

"well he wasn't interesting anymore so i broke up with him, then 4 months later i met Globgor" she answer "Marco have you tried and telling Star how you feel?"

"what?! n-no she has a boyfriend, why would i tell her how i feel?"

"who knows... Maybe she's like me on how our met Globgor" she smiles "but you won't know until you try"

"i don't know, what if she says no" i ask getting worked up on the topic

"she won't Marco, trust me" she smiles "looking by the way Star has been acting around you she seems to have the same feelings for you, just give it a shot"

i feel like she's right, i mean i slept with her last night trapped in her soft arms which made me... 'feel funny' like i was turn on by it. Maybe i should talk to her. I hope everything goes well, but first i want to do it at the right time not when the adults aren't around, just us alone. It could either make or break between us.

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