Chapter 4

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                                                                          🎸The Next Morning🎸
    Bang bang! Someone pounded on the door, I quickly turned towards the door. Red was already at the door, he looked through the peephole. "Son of a bitch!" He opened the door, 

"Really Elvis, it's 6 in the morning."
"Where is Emily?" Elvis demanded and stormed into the room. I crossed my arms and glared at him. "Where the hell were you last night?" He asked
"I told you I was going to bed." I said sternly, he  glared at me

"You knew we were going out last night." he yelled

"You were going out last night! I was tired so I went to bed!" I yelled

"You know that wherever I go you go with!"

"Im not a child! I don't need you to watch over me all the time! Besides Anita was there she should have been all the company you needed!"

"You are my best friend you are supposed to go with me and listen to me!"

"No best fiends are supposed to be there for each other, not kick them out when their little play toys come around!" I yelled and ran out of the room, he stayed back but I heard him scream and throw something against the wall. That temper of his is going to get him in trouble one day. I ran out of the hotel and down the street to a park. I sat down against a tree and began crying. I wish I could just do whatever Elvis wanted without making him mad but my feelings for him get in the way every time. I heard a car pull up next to me, it stopped and the window rolled down, it was Elvis.

"Emily please get in the car." he said softly

"No, just go away Elvis!" I demanded

"Satnin please just get in, you don't have to forgive me just please get in before the fans notice you." he begged, I groaned, got up and climbed into the car. I leaned my head against the window and ignored what Elvis was saying to me. He finally got my attention by putting a box in my lap, I looked over at him.

"What is this?" I asked

"A present to say I'm sorry, I was upset and I let my temper take over." he said quietly. I kept my eyes on the present, because I knew if I looked his eyes I would melt right back into his arms.

"Elvis, I am an adult if I don't want to go out then I don't have to, I'm tired of you treating me like a little kid, getting mad at me and then buying me things to try to make up for it." I mumbled, he grabbed my chin so I would look at him, I tried to fight it but he wouldn't give up.

"I only do it because I love you and I promised I was going to look out for you. Now come on please open the box, I really think you are going to like it." he smiled at me, I felt myself melt from his smile, damn it, he won once again. I sighed and opened the box, inside was a golden heart shaped locket. "Open it" he said, I opened the locket and found two pictures on the inside, one was a picture of Elvis and I, the other one was a picture of my parents and me.

"Elvis, it's beautiful, where did you get this in such short time?" I asked

"Well it was supposed to be for Christmas in a few months but I thought I would give it to you now." he smiled.

"Thank you Elvis, and I'm sorry I didn't go last night." I said, he leaned over and hugged me.

"It's alright Satnin, there is no need for you to apologize." he said. Great he won me over again and I am falling even harder.

                                                                     🎸December 1957🎸

Today there was a special letter sent to Elvis, he won't let me or Gladys see it, but he is acting really strange. I've ben trying to find out what it is all day but any time I come close to reading it Elvis or Vernon stop me. Gladys has been more patient than I have, but I know its driving her crazy as well. All day I would try to catch them off guard but they would catch me every time. So eventually I gave up and went up to my room to get ready for bed. I was washing my face when I felt someone behind me, I turned to see Elvis watching me. "Goodness Elvis you scared me." I laughed, "What's wrong?" I asked, he sighed and took a deep breath.

"When you are done getting ready will you please come up to my room?" he asked

"Um yeah of course." I said and finished up, Elvis was being weird, maybe he is finally going to tell me about that letter. I rushed to get my pajamas on and ran to his room. He was sitting on the bed with a piece of paper in his hands. I sat next to him on the bed, he turned and handed me the paper.

"This is the letter you were trying to get to all day." I took the paper and read it, my heart broke with every word.

"Oh my gosh Elvis, what are you going to do?" I asked

"You know what I have to do Satnin, I can't just say no, I have to go." he sighed

"But you are right in the middle of your career, you have to film a movie after Christmas, what did your mama say?"

"I know, but I got drafted you can't run away from that no matter how famous you are. I haven't told mama yet, I wanted to tell you first so you could help me." we sat there in silence for a while, I have no idea what he wants me to tell him. "So are you ok with this?" he asked me

"What do you mean am I ok with all of this? My best friend is getting drafted, I already lost my parents Elvis I can't lose you too." I said as tears fell down my face, Elvis wrapped me in a hug. 

"You aren't going to lose me, nothing is going to happen, and I'm going to make sure that you come with me alright. Now please stop crying." he hugged me tighter and laid us down on the bed, we ended up falling asleep in his bed.


Author's Note: Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I have just been really busy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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