The Past

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Jack's POV:

"I'm not gonna hurt you." I said because she looked scared.

She had a black eye. Why would I ever do that?

"What do you want Gilinsky?"

"I came to apologize again." I said while I look at the floor.

"Why would you? You never cared about me....all you ever did is hurt me and break me."

"That's why I want to say sorry....ever since 10th grade I changed....but I'm still the same Jack." I said while I sat on the bed.

"Not the one I new when we were kids."

"I know I'm not that same Jack, but I was selfish I didn't think about anything else but me....I thought you were ignoring me because I smoke..."

"Jack....I didn't care if you smoked or were my best friend....I was going through a rough time losing my dad."

"I know you did I'm sorry."

"I need to be alone."

"Before I go remember the time when we met?"



I was at a park in Omaha. It was a summer day. I was with my mom. I always love the swing sets, so I ran to the swing sets and saw a little girl sitting on the swing.

"Hi! I'm Jack!"

"Hi! I'm Isabelle!" The little girl said.

The whole time I was at the park, I was playing with her.

"Jack it's time to go!" My mom yelled.

"I don't wanna leave yet!" I whined.

"You'll guys have an another play date tomorrow don't worry."

"Yes!!!" We both the yelled.

"Bye Isabelle!" I said while I grabbed my moms hand.

"Bye Jack!" She yelled back.

•End Of FlashBack•

"It was the best day ever. I made a new best friend. My first ever best friend."

"We would still be like that if you wouldn't have hurt me."

"I'm sorry okay? I was stupid."

"Please leave Jack."


"I'll think about it."

"Okay....when you have your answer text me." I said while I gave her my number.

Something came up to me. I really do love Isabelle. Losing her was the worst thing I ever did. I was stupid.

"Bye Jack."

"Bye Isabelle." I said while exited the the door.

Isabelle's POV:

He told me he loved me. He told me he was sorry. Should I forgive him? Was the past gonna help? I don't know.


I hope you guys like my chapters so far. I suck.😬

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