Chapter 1: My arrival to the city of love

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I gracefully brought my fingers down on the pieces making a beautiful soft tone erupt from the large white piano in the middle of the room.

At the moment I am on a flight in a jet to Paris where I am going to be continuing my pianist career. This excites me even if I am to mature for such excitement. I may be professional but what 13-year-old female without love wouldn't want to go to the one and only Paris also known as the city of love. It may be known as the city of love but I am not here for love, not yet at least. Most I would like to go to high school finish that and so on. Little things first Lila.

"We are prepared for landing Miss Chaoumont" I turned around to my security guard and nodded in response.

'I guess I should probably sit in my seat' i stood up and sat in my soft chair and put on my seat belt just as I felt the jet begin to slowly move downwards. I gripped the seats with force as the vehicle now landed, a sigh of relief erupted from my throat as I slumped in my seat. "Today is going to be a looooong day"
~~Time Skip~~

I smiled looking around at the finished result of my room. I had to say it looked pretty hot.

Red and orange were my favorite colors because they resembled the colors of fire and my favorite animal the Phoenix

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Red and orange were my favorite colors because they resembled the colors of fire and my favorite animal the Phoenix. I was also born with natural crimson red hair so that's always cool.

Sighing I made my way downstairs to my kitchen which was already fully stocked with food and snacks. Opening the pantry I grabbed a bag of Takis and began to snack on them.

"Miss here is your schedule and your things needed for today will be already in your pack."

I looked up at my bodyguard and grabbed the piece of paper from his hand as well as the backpack in the other. I looked through the paper and nodded.

"Thank you, Timothy."

He nodded and walked off continuing with his work while I continued with my snack.

~2 hours later~

Sighing I opened the door and walked into my instructed classroom to see a room full of kids that were now looking my way. 'Well this isn't awkward at all' I walked to the teacher and handed her my schedule.

"Ah welcome miss Chaoumont. Class this is Miss Xilla Chaoumont our new exchange student, I expect you all to welcome her and treat her nicely. Miss Chaoumont you can sit next to Luca. Luca, please raise your hand."

I looked around the room and see a boy with black hair and dyed blue tips raise his hand.' Well he doesn't seem so harmful' the teacher motioned to him and I bowed before making my way up the steps to the seat I was to sit in, which luckily was right next to the window.

Sitting down I looked at the boy next to me and smiled, he looked at me and returned the gesture. Then he turned back to something he looked to be writing. Growing curious I leaned over a bit to see that he was writing something like a song, I read a bit and realized it was a guitar solo. He had talent from what i could tell.

"So what's the song about?"

I asked loud enough for him to hear me. He tensed as a slight pink blush dusted his cheeks.

"W-uh its a uh love song about two doves who fell in love. One of them is secretly evil while the other is secretly a superhero." He replied scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, maybe i could help, I play the piano. What're their names" I ask with a smile.

"I actually dont know yet, i didn't really think about it"

I nodded at his explanation and allowed him to continue with his work. In the meantime, I tuned into the teacher's lecture.

"That is why our bodies ..."

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