Chapter 5: First Encounter with a God p.2

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Phènix landed and looked around before walking through the two double doors of a balcony. Chat Noir wasn't to far from her and watched her step through the doors her long cape of flames following behind her heeled feet.

Landing quietly Chat Noir followed her inside of the abandoned looking house, he scanned his surroundings only seeing clothed furniture and dusted wooden floors, whoever lived here must not have been here for a long time.

His ears then twitched at the sound of a piano playing, walking he followed the angelic sound, it reminded him of Xilla. Soon he reached a staircase, slowly and cautiously he walked down the fancy clothed stairs. Towards the bottom the music got louder, he looked around to see the flaming cape and a woman sitting on a piano bench gracefully bringing her fingers across the keys.

Her talent wowed him, he had never experienced any person as good as this ever since Xilla Chaoumont.

"So this your hideout or you just stopping by"

The woman finished her song and stood up turning around to face him. She wore a mask with red feathers, and an interesting outfit with heeled boots, of course not forgetting her long cape of flames resting behind her back.

"What's a little kitty like you doing in a dangerous place like this"

She asks while walking around the boy and motioning to the space around her.

"I followed you here of course, and plus what's a little birdie like you doing here"

She smirked and looked at her sharp claws.

"That's classified young sir, but I can tell you what I want, that pretty little miraculous of yours."

His face went pale as he thought about this. 'Was this a lure to get him here?'

"I think not Miss flame"

Phènix grabbed hold of a yoyo that was thrown at her. Turning around she smirked at Ladybug as she had just appeared.

"Wow my lucky day, two in one"

Chat Noir decided to attack first while the woman was distracted, but her reflexes were sharper than her claws and she turned to grab to baton that was launched at her and swung him into the wall. She laughed as she threw the weapon across the room away from his reach.

"You two can't fight me alone, what would you do, knick a feather?"

Ladybug began her turn and threw a few punches and kicks, only getting punches and dodges. Letting out a laugh Phènix spun and kicked her in the side making her fly over a counter.


Chat Noir growled and opened his hands revealing claws. Phènix made an 'Oh I'm so scared' gesture and opened her own hands, longer and sharper claws appearing. The pair ran at each other scratching and dodging, this came to an end when Chat Noir changed a move and scratched her across the face, he didn't go unharmed of course, Phènix scratched him across his arm. Chat Noir hissed in pain and hopped back holding his arm, while Phènix stood there looking at her claws.

"Wow you managed to land a hit on me congratulations mister Noir"

She began to clap her hands, while the male looked up at her.

"What do you want and why?"

She turned around and saw an injured Ladybug limping around the counter.

"Oh yes, I am sent by a very noble leader to collect both your miraculous and I am going to get them one way or another."

Turning back to Chat Noir, Phènix quickly walked over to him and pinned him onto the floor. He grunted and glared up into the eyes of the being, only to see a rather strong resemblance. Phènix smirked and proceeded to grab his hand seeing a black ring with a green paw on it, slowly she began to slide it off.


Ladybug jumped at the woman making her biggest mistake ever, Phènix growled and a strong fire appeared in her hand quickly materializing a sharp knife, quickly she reacted by throwing the knife in the direction of Ladybug, therefore hitting her in the side, a whimper fell from her mouth as she fell to the side sliding into a corner.

Turning around with a smirk Phènix was greeted with another scratch but deeper. Standing up she held the now bleeding scratch. Growling she opened her large wings and flew off out of the house.

Chat Noir watched as she flew away before turning to Ladybug and running her way. A tear left his eye as he saw the state she was in, blood was beginning to surround her and she was beginning to pale.

"It's going to be all right m'Lady I'm gonna get you to the master"

He picked her up and ran for his batton before jumping out of the window heading quickly for the man who had given them their Miraculous.

Your my Eternal Flame》Miraculous LadybugTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon