Chapter 6: Lie' movies

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~a few months of healing later~

I groaned in annoyance as I sat up in bed. 'Well time to go back to school today.' I stood up and walked to my bathroom doing my natural morning routine.

"What should I wear today...?"

I looked through my wardrobe at a few outfits before choosing one.

I smiled before combing out my crimson hair and putting on some small cream heals.

Walking downstairs I went into the kitchen, grabbing a waffle and placing it into the toaster. Waiting a bit I watched as the waffle flew into the air, grabbing it out of the air I bit into it. My mouth automatically began to water at the delicious taste.

Smiling I grabbed my bag and left my house for school.

I sigh seeing the familiarity of the outside world around me. It's been a bit sinse I've been around people. First I enjoyed it until my thoughts began to run on Adrien. I didn't know why I thought of him but it was there.

My train of thought was seized as I nearly made contact with a chest. Looking up I was met with Adrien's face, a small smile plastered across his lips. "Hey Xilla." His eyes wondered my face.

"What's up Adrien." I smirked while crossing my arms over my chest.

I saw a crimson spread across his face before he looked away from my gaze.

"Ahem so uh me Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Luka are going to the movies after school, uh I was wondering if you wanted to go as well?" He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at me.

Smiling I nod, "Yeah sure what time, and what are we seeing?"

"Later like maybe right after school? And it's a secret" he placed a finger to his lips in a shushing motion.

My brow raised and i nodded before saying bye and walking to class.

~~~Time skip~~~

I sighed, collecting my things and slinging my bag over my shoulder before walking out of the classroom. Walking down the stairs and dodging the boddies of fellow students i finally reached the bottom.

Looking down i removed my phone from my pocket and started looking through it.

"So you still up for that movie?"

I look up at the sound of Adrien's voice, seeing him smiling at me while fiddling with his hands.

"Yeah for sure."

I reply with a smile. His eyes sparkle and he motions for me to follow him.

~~Time skip~~

We sat in the movie theatre, Marinette sat with Luka, Allya sat with Nino and Adrien... well he sat next to me.

~~3rd p.o.v~~

As the everyone sat next to their liked ones the movie began to play. Allya being her mischievous self she had bought tickets to a scary movie. Nobody knew this of course until the title of the movie was shown.

Once it was revealed everyone turned their attention to Allya who had a smirk on her face.

~~a little bit into the movie~~

A jumpscare had been coming up and every one began to prepare, sitting on the edges of their seats some holding on tight to their partners.

Soon it came and the entire theatre uproared in a series of scared sounds, and one in particular hid in the chest next to them.

Xilla looked up from Adrien's chest and blushed before looking away and back at the large screen, but what she didnt know was that Adrien on the other hand actually liked it.

~~time skip after the movie~~

"Thanks all of you for that... deathening experience. I enjoyed myself today."

Xilla looked at everyone. Allya smiled and shook her head while Marinette stood shaking in her spot next to Luka.

"Your welcome Xilla, i... had a great time myself."

Replied Adrien with a smile and a slight red hue on his face.

Xilla smiled at him and winked before stuffing her hands into her pockets and walking off.

Adrien stood dumbfounded while his face burned red.

~~Time Skip~~

Xilla sighed as she walked through the green surrounded park of Paris. She took her seat on a bench and pulled out a book. Her eyes scanned over the words of the book.

"Hi there you must be Xilla the exchange student." Sounded a rather higher pitched voice, it rather annoyed her.

"Yes how can i help you... whomever you are" asked Xilla glaring in the girl's direction.

"Im Lila Rossi, you know i saw you and Adrien hanging out at the movies earlier, you know me and him are very close right?" Asked the girl smiling at the red head.

"If you and him were very close then wouldnt he have invited you to the movies with us?" Replied Xilla still skimming over the words in her book.

"Well i-uh must not have gotten the text, you know i got this new phone today and i had to change my number."

"He didnt send a text" said Xilla closing her book and looking at the girl whom sat next to her.

"Eh this is beside the point let me just get straight to it nobody... you stay away from Adrien Agreste. He belongs with me, not you or that other blue haired disappointment, alright?!" Xilla chuckled before removing her reading glasses from her face.

Folding them and tucking them away in her bag she looked at the other girl who stood arms crossed.

"Your intimidations do not bother me Lila, in fact they make me want to laugh. I dont care about what you tell me or the lies you tell everyone else about me, do you want to know why? Because Adrien could never love a person that will only lie to get what she wants." Xilla finished spitting her venom and finally for the first time Lila felt hurt, genuinely. She never thought someone would actually speak the truth to her, and she never thought the truth actually hurt like this.

Xilla watched in partial amusement as the girl's eyes watered, a small sniffel left her  before she took off in a sprint.

"Let the plan begin"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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