Entry Six

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Begin entry?

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I'd say I'm going to be straight with you, but it sounds like a joke one of my friends would make. So, I'll say instead, that as usual I don't remember what happened next. Shocker, I know. I kinda remember walking somewhere, but that could have been another day I guess.

What I really remember next was waking up in this room. The walls were made out of all of this tight packed stone, and there was light shining in through the windows. They weren't really windows though, more like wrought iron patterns kinda covering a hole in the wall? Like, it wasn't a real window, ya know, with like glass and stuff. But you don't care about that, sorry.

Also, by waking up I mean I'm pretty sure I screamed, rolled off of my bed and hit the floor with a very painful thud. I hear another thud and when I look to my side I see a bunk bed sort of contraption, and there's a girl passed out on the bottom bunk. I flip onto my other side and see another set of bunk beds, presumably the one I just fell out off. Good thing I had a bottom bunk.

Believe me, rolling off a bed is a surefire way to wake the hell up. Going to be honest I thought the girl on the other bed was dead (I had put together at this point that the other thud was probably me scaring the actual living shit out of her by screaming out of nowhere), and I decided to see if she was really dead. Mm, maybe not that makes me sound suspicious. Ah, I went to go make sure she was not, in fact dead. Much better. 

The girl on the bed was a little taller than me, I thought. She had longish dark hair and she was wearing robes like Wong's but smaller, obviously. It's harder to remember how she looked then, I only picture how she looks now. I forgot she even had long hair, I feel like it's been short for so long now.

<I believe the kids would classify the look on her face now as "sad emo looking into the distance". It doesn't last for very long.>

But the kid wakes up after a minute, and I inhale really fast and fall off the bed again because I thought she died, ya know? She slides down and offers me a hand and helps me to my feet, saying "Hi, I'm Kim. Sorry about that, just happens," with a shrug. "Wha-what was that? Did you just die?" I asked the girl. She smirked, which sounds like it's something snarky but really it's her equivalent of cracking up. "No, I have this thing called narcolepsy. Pretty much, any sort of, I dunno, like sudden emotional thing can trigger me to pass out. So, I didn't expect you to wake up like that, and it scared the heck out of me and I guess triggered myself."

She kinda just, looked me up and down for a minute, probably noting my general filth and un-put-togetherness, and turned around and said over her shoulder "I'll take you for a tour. If they put you in here, you're probably gonna stay for awhile." So I followed her out of the room into a long stone corridor and proceeded to be pretty much constantly mind blown by everything I saw, even though the hallways were long and dark and twisty and mind threatening and everything smelled mildly like lemons. Coincidentally, lemons are my mom's least favorite fruit. Actually, it's interesting, I think the smell of the place changes over time and with your tastes- I always like the smell of lemons because it made me feel safe, and I think the scent of the monastery changed to be what made you feel most at home. It wasn't until much later when the smell became that of the place itself.

But we end up in like, the bathroom, which to this day is one of my favorite places but you probably don't care about the deets, oh god did that phrase really come out of my mouth I am disgusted, I am revolted. But Kim kinda unceremoniously forces me into a shower until the dirt has come off of me in like, sheets, and then dresses me in robes like hers that fit perfectly. Like, it was mind blowing how perfectly it fit STOP YOU'RE GETTING DISTRACTED TELL THE DAM STORY.

We went to the dining hall next, which was also very, very cool. It had these like, huge long banquet tables like something out of freaking Harry Potter or some shit but it was so cool and at the front there was this table that was just covered in food like a personal banquet and Kim looked at me looking at the desserts and filled a plate for me herself. She let me go back for the ice cream later but I think she could tell I would have eaten a ton of crap for dinner otherwise. But yeah, magical wizard tables. Only the week days though. I guess even magical tables have breaks I guess, I'm kidding I don't know I didn't really care about the specifics.

I literally don't even know where I was going with this and now they're coming to retrieve the goods so I'm going to have to stop now. I guess now I've told you about Kim, hopefully next time I'll actually get something done.

<She tries to hide her smile but her amused expression crumbles into quiet laughter over something. She finishes the entry by saying in mock frustration:>

I'm trying to get something done! Ugh!

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End of entry.

Published May 19, 2019. 1044 words.

I think the general theme of my chapters is utter chaos and me rambling because I have no idea what I'm doing even though I had some semblance of a plan this time??? I don't know, sorry if this chapter was a mess I really had no idea where I was going with this.

Another note: I mistype the word something so much that now it autocorrects to spel it wrong so please forgive me if you see it typed like smoethnig or somehting I don't know anymore. 

This chapter was so long why did I write this. I am now re-evaluating my time. Sorry I'm a small emo and I can't resist putting in references that have no reason to be there. Thank you for your time as always.

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