Chapter 1

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Your name is Nick you have been a gamer since you were a kid and absolutely love monster hunter while on your way to your local GameStop near your college dorm to get the new monster hunter world (I'm just gonna use mhw after this) you hear a loud bang and before you could even react everything went black.

                                  The new world

'ugh I feel like crap' you think while lying on the cold stone ground 'did I get high last night or something?' you try to get up but feel like your center of mass is completely different 'what the hell?' You inspect your hand or well claw and your eyes go wide with fear and a little bit of fascination. 'umm ok don't panic maybe I'm dreaming then again if this was a dream I probably wouldn't realize ... shit this is real' you recognize your claw after more staring as the new elder dragon's Nergigante "ok this is kinda cool actually" you say out loud and realize whatever you said although you understood it didn't sound like English. 'Huh I always wondered if monsters had a language guess they do. I should really try to get up' after five minutes of struggling you finally manage to stand on all four legs and decide to check you're surroundings you seem to be in a cave but just outside you see giant masses of crystals and can't help but admire their beauty. You have always been an easy going guy so you decide it's best not to question how you got here or what you became you would make the best of it and explore this new world. Out of the corner of you're eye you see a human sized monster with horns and red fur you recognize it as a gastodon. 'Maybe I can talk to it?' "Hello?" the small monster instantly jumps up looks over to you and then runs 'ugh well that didn't get me anywhere maybe only other elder dragons could understand me but how could I find one?' You get up and decide to explore a bit after looking up at the sky you notice raging winds far away 'oh my god wait I recognize that wind Kushala! Finally maybe I could get some answers' after running for about 20 minutes the wind was quite strong but you noticed just how strong you were physically Looking up you see a ball of vicious wind 'that must be where kushala is I have to talk to him' determined you decide to try and fly up there but can't seem to get the hang of it 'damnit this is way harder than it looks. maybe I can just roar at him or something' ( I have no clue how I could spell nerg's roar so ima just do this) "RHAAARG" you almost get frightened at how powerful that roar was even though it came from you 'he must've heard that right?' A few moments pass and suddenly wind gets blown everywhere and you see kushala daora in all his glory 'wow he's so majestic in real life but I need to get answers from him' " umm hello kushala? I would like to ask a f-" but before you could finish you get interrupted " hmm you seem to be an elder dragon but not one I recognize who are you and why are you in MY territory" he says in a scratchy ancient sounding voice " well my name is nergigante I guess and I have no clue how I got here I just kinda popped up here all of the sudden I was hoping you could tell me what happened" you ask nervously hoping this won't end in a fight. He seems to think about you're question for a bit before saying " I have no clue. I don't know what you are or where you came from just leave before I lose my patience" overlooking the fact that you might be able to take him in a fight you just slowly back away and try to get out of their ' well at least I know I can talk to other elder dragons I just need to find a more friendly one.

Authors note: I have never written anything like this in my life so sorry if it's bad I just wanted to make my own mh story since there's such a small amount of them. Later in the story we will be seeing monsters or more specifically elder dragons that aren't normally in the the new world and nick or now nergigante will have to learn if he can trust anyone but himself in this new world he's found himself in I'll be trying to update daily so buh bye see you next chapter (please give me any critique you can thank you)

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