Chapter 1: Knock Knock...

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"Alright, quiet down everyone." Nick stated.

The giggling and laughing died down and soon there was scilence, only to be interrupted by Nova's giggles.

"What's next? Parker playing with action figures in the bath tub?" Nova joked.

"You shouldn't judge what Peter does in his free time......Even though he does act like a 10 year old most of the time." Ava said, slightly amused.

"Are we even allowed to be watching this? Aren't we invading Peter's privacy?" Luke asked.

"This is only for safety protocols, in case something happens to Parker while he's at home. Now, quiet down." Nick repeated, growing frustrated with all the talking.

"I want you to see this last clip before the timer runs out." Nick said.

"How much time do we have left?" Luke asked.

"37 minutes." Nick answered.

"Well come on! Start it." Nova said, eagerly.

Directer Fury pressed the button and the screen turned on, displaying Peter on a big spider web in the middle of his room, while he's in the centre of the web, currently, playing with his cracked phone. He was only wearing his spider suit but without the mask.

"What's going to happen?" Nova whispered, directing his question at Danny.

"I don't know, just watch and see. If Directer Fury is showing us this, it's probably important." Danny whispered back.

"Shhhhh!" Ava snapped.

"You-" Nova started but got interrupted by a sound on the screen.

Peter seemed to have heard it too, because he wasn't laying on his back anymore, instead, he was in a defence stance on the web, glaring towards his vent. He was holding his mask in one hand, about to put it on.

At the sudden action, everyone seemed to have leaned in closer, curious as to what was about to happen.

Peter slowly walked closer to the wall and started to crawl up towards the vents, everyone was expecting him to punch through it and take down the source of the noise, but instead Peter did the most maturest thing that he thought needed to happen.

"Knock Knock." Peter said while knocking on the vent cover in the footage.

Almost everyone in the room rolled their eyes, some even groaned  they should have seen that one coming, always start with a joke in the beginning of a fight, which seemed to be the number one rule in spidey's book.

Peter put one hand behind him, once he put his middle and ring finger on the trigger, a strand of webbing came out and grabbed onto his screw driver from his desk, he flung the screw driver towards himself and caught it, without looking backwards. He started to un-screw the vent and once he did, he stuck his head inside, which left everyone curious because Peter was blocking their way of seeing th inside of his vent.

"Hiya, Spidey here. Can I order a-Aghhh!!" Peter monkey-shrieked (You know,  when Peter does in the show) and flung himself towards his web and landed.

The room was startled at his sudden action. What could of caused that?

Nova gasped "Is it a super-villain?"

"Is Peter going to get hurt?!"

"We should have been there!"

"Poor Peter..."

What surprised them the most was that nothing came out of the vents, no super-villain, no aliens, no one......Except for a massive furry tarantula (Spider)  that seemed to have something in it's mouth.

Everyone shuddered, except for director Fury, of course. Even Peter looked like he was about to pounce on it. 

But Peter seemed to have done the opposite and stayed exactly where he was on his web, glaring at the large spider.

The tarantula slowly made it's way on Peter's web, Peter stayed completely still, staring at the tarantula's every move. The tarantula dropped the object from it's mouth, it was small, black even....wait a second, was that a fly?

The tarantula chirped, it seemed to have been talking to Peter. Peter tilted his head, had he understood the tarantula?

"Hi! Want a piece of this fly I caught?!" The tarantula chirped happily to Peter.

"Uhhh....Hello?" Peter seemed to be speechless, which surprised everyone.

"Hi! What's your name?!" The tarantula chirped again.

Peter gave a skeptical look "How do I know, your not Dock Ock using a robot spider to get secrets out of me? And how do you know where I live? And why-"

"Whoa whoa, calm down, I'm not doc ock, or whatever you just said, I just came to say Hi!" The tarantula convinced/chirped.

"Ok, then how do you know where I live?" Peter asked.

This time, the tarantula gave a skeptical look. "I followed my spider signal and it lead me here."

"Spider signal? What's that?" Peter asked then moments later, his eyes were as big as sausages.

"WAIT A SECOND, HOW AM I EVEN TALKING TO YOU!?!" Peter yelled/asked.

Nova paused the video. "Wait, Parker's talking to the spider?" Then his face expression turned into mischievous. "That's so cool!"

"Ya, genius. What else were you getting out of this video?"Ava said

"How come we can't understand the bug?" Luke asked.

"Arachnid..." Everyone gave Ava a look. "What? Someone has to do it for him.."

"Maybe because Peter's half spider, so maybe he understands them..." Danny said.

"Ahem!" Nick interrupted.

"Sorry." They mumbled.

"Continue the video. There is...." Nick checked his watch "5 minutes left."

Nova quickly un-paused the video and ran back to his seat.

The tarantula gave another confused look and chirped. "A spider signal is a signal that leads you to other spiders, kind of like.......spider senses...So, I followed my signal and it lead me to here.."

Peter's face went from confused to shocked. "Ohhhh, that makes sense, no wonder my spider senses went off in the direction you came from....Whoa....I can communicate with other spiders.." Peter's eyes lit up. "THATS SO COOL!." Peter started jumping on his web, like a 5 year old on a trampoline.

"Mind if I join?" The tarantula asked/chirped.


The video ended with Peter and the tarantula jumping on the web.

"Wow....that was, interesting.." Ava muttered.

Nova got up and started to walk towards the exit.

"Sam, where are you going?" Danny asked.

"Parker's house, wanna come?" Nova said.

The rest of the ultimates got up and started to leave.

Nick just shook his head and muttered...



Hi guys! I just started on this fic and I hope you guys enjoy it.

I like reading ultimate spider-man fics on Wattpad so I decided to write one of my own. I'll keep updating on this story. If I make any mistake that I keep repeating, feel free to mention it to me! 

Some support would also help if you guys want, just say something in the comments! <3 Oh! And if you have any suggestions to add to the story, just also mention it down below!! <3 :)

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