Chapter 3: Hi, I'm Tyler.

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New update!

Third Person POV

"Alright, you guys ready?" Peter asked.

"Yes, Peter for like the eighth time, were ready, it's not like were going to war." Ava sighed.

"K, just don't freak out.....Alright?"  Peter asked once again.

Sam groaned, they were right outside Peter's room and they've been waiting for like 15 minutes because Peter kept asking them the same thing over and over again.

"Ok, Web head, we won't freak won't, can we just go inside now!?" Sam whined.

"Ok, you could've just asked, sheesh..."

It looked like steam was coming out of Sam's ears, while everyone else just rolled their eyes.

Peter opened the door and they all rushed inside, the ultimates looked around Peter's room for a massive spider but no one saw one.

"Jeez, Peter. Your rooms a mess..." Luke stated.

"Yeah well, I don't really have time to clean since you guys kind of just busted into my house."

They all rolled their eyes. "We didn't bust in, you let us in." Sam said.

"I believe we busted in without permission.." Danny said, truthfully.

"No, remember? He opened the door and we walked in."

"Yeah but-"


"Does it matter?!" Ava yelled.

".....No." Sam, Luke and Danny said at the same time.

"Yes." Ava glared at Peter.

Peter walked over to his closet and opened it slowly, he walked inside and the doors behind him shut. The rest of the ultimates gave each other looks, once the doors opened again, Sam shrieked and jumped into Luke's arms, the rest of them shuddered.

There Peter was, but with a huge spider on his shoulder, it had eight red eyes , the legs were creepily long, some of its legs were on his head and some on his shoulders.

They all just stared at Peter for a long moment.

"Do they mean to eat me?" The spider asked, after a long moment of staring.

"What!? No, they um....uhhh.."

They just kept on staring..

"Why are they staring at us?" The spider chirped again.

"Guys! Quit staring, he thinks your about to eat him."

"Who's him?" Sam asked.

Peter pointed at the spider that was currently on his head now.

"Yeah, I know that." Sam rolled his eyes. "I mean what's his name?"

"This is, uhhhh...."

"What is a 'name'?" The spider chirped, happily.

"Wait what?"

Sam, Danny, Ava, and Luke just stared.

"What now?" Luke asked.

"Guys, didn't you hear?" Peter asked, tiredly. "He doesn't have one."


Peter just gave them a look and said.  "Whoops, huh, I can speak spider..."

"You just realized that?" Ava asked, she was basically done with Peter at this point.

".....No, I just thought you guys can understand him...." Peter said, to be honest, Peter was still shocked that he gained an ability to be able to communicate to spiders.

"Is Spider even a language?" Sam asked.

"It is now, I created it."

The spider leaned closer to Peter's ear and whispered something, suddenly Peter started laughing so hard.

"What'd it say?" Sam asked.

"He, um, ......he called you short..." Peter said while he tried to contain his laughter.

The rest of the ultimates looked close to start laughing except Sam, he looked ready to walk over to Peter, rip the spider off Peter's head and throw him out the window. After a long moment of silence, a bit of laughter escaped from Peter and soon everyone started laughing, Danny was trying to calm the blaring rage filled teen who was not enjoying a single second of this.

"Alright, I'm out!" Sam said while he walked over to Peter's door.

"No wait! I'll let you name him if you stay!" Peter yelled after him.

Sam paused at Peter's door, hand on the handle. He turned around and what scared them the most is that Sam had a huge mischievous grin spread on his face.

"Alright, how about Spider kin?"

"What? no!" Peter said.

"You said I get to name him." Sam said, while crossing his arms.

"Well!....We'll see if he likes it.." Peter said, annoyed.

"How about Spider kin?" Peter said, directing his question to the spider who was currently laying down on Peter's head.

"I like Tyler, how's Tyler for a name?" The spider chirped, beaming with the idea of the name he came up with.

Peter stroked his chin. "Hmm, not bad." Peter mumbled.

"What? What is it? What's he say?" Luke asked.

"How's Tyler for a name?"



Hope you enjoyed!

It's bad, I know. But it's something!

Word count: 773


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