Chapter 4: Tyler Is Not A Bug!

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It was the next day, the ultimate were in the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier doing who knows what, it was a pretty boring day, no missions, no drama, everyone was chilling in their dorms probably on their phones, playing video games(Sam) or doing homework(Ava). All was good until-


Spider-man jumped at the sound of Fury's fury roar (I'm so funny), so high that he accidentally fell off his bed. Peter scrambled up and onto his feet and ran down the corridor, of course being the most clumsiest person alive, he bumped into a shield agent.

"I'm so sorry, I'm a really clumsy person (If you couldn't tell), here!" He started picking up the dropped files and handed it to the shield agent, with some of the papers sticking out of every corner of the folder.

"Oh, it's no problem, hey, aren't you that spider guy.. spider-ling, spider-" She stopped abruptly, watching as the man in red ran down the corridor.

"It's Spider-man!!"

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


"I'm here, i'm here." Spider-man panted, he dramatically held onto the wall and slowly slid down until he was sitting on Fury's office floor, once he looked up, he had to strain himself from laughing. 

"Is this of all things is what you find funny?" Fury did not look impressed.

The rest of the ultimates were hanging out in the sidelines, watching the whole encounter with amusement, except for sam, who looked like he's running out of breath from holding his laughter.

Peter finally calmed down and replied, "Come on! Y-you expect me- not laugh when I come in and see Tyler on your head, while y-you look like you've s-seen death at your d-door!" Peter finally couldn't hold it and started laughing.

Sam also started laughing, but quickly covered his mouth when Fury turned his way and sent him a glare, Danny was smiling, but it was obvious that he himself was trying not to burst out laughing, Ava looked amused, while Luke started laughing, he quickly acted like he was coughing.

And Tyler, well....He looked like he was having the time of his life.

He may have also started dancing sometime ago.....

Peter calmed down once he saw a couple veins popping out of Fury's head, probably from all the anger he was trying, but failing to contain.

"Ok, Ok, I'll take him off." Spider-man walked up to Fury and held his hands out, Fury looked down at and gave him a look that practically screamed 'What the hell are you doing? You idiot?'. Tyler made a tiny jump and landed in Spider-man's hands.

"What are you going to do with that thing?"

"He's not a thing, he has a name." Peter corrected.

Fury simply raised his eyebrow, "He has a name?"

"Yeah! I gave him the name, it's Tyler!" Sam screamed.

Fury sighed (Mood), what is he going to do with these kids?

"Why would you give the bug a name when you only going to see it once your entire lifetime?" (I'm sorry, this sounds nothing like Fury, but, Oh well.)

"Wel-" Peter abruptly cut Sam off.

"First off, me and Tyler are best spider bros, so don't talk to my brother like that. Second, Tyler is not a bug, he's an arachnid!!"

"Technically speaking, Spiders are bu-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Sam." Ava said, stopping Sam from speaking, which was a great mistake after Sam licked her hand.


Suddenly there was a knock on Fury's office door.

"Director Fury?"

"Come in, Coulson." Fury answered.

Coulson walked in with a folder, he was walking towards Fury, but suddenly stopped when Peter came into his line of sight.

"Why is there a bug on yo-"



:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



I love this chapter! Even though it was a little short cuz I didn't know what else to write

PLZ COMMENT, It makes me want to write more for my other stories!!! WHOO!

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