Hearing The Untold Secrets.

194 27 23

It was like magic,
Hearing her speak.

Her eyes were dim,
Wet, with salty tears, that from her eyes, leaked.

Her voice was soft and sweet,
Yet, her face red, from the heat.

Drenched in sweat,
Her whole body shaking.
She slumped into bed,
And tried hard not to fall asleep.

She kept talking,
No, she wouldn't stop.
She was hurting,
she was tired,
But she had to tell,
She had to talk.

All her secrets,
They poured out of her.
Like a river,
rushing out of a narrow path.

She felt like dying,
She was that hurt.
But she wasn't scared,
No, she was not.

She was dead sleepy,
Her eyes were red and swollen,
Her face pale.
But she kept talking,
She had to tell a tale.

No happy endings in this one,
But it ends with her calm and in peace.
As she fills me in with her story,
Her mistakes and her glory.

And then, she falls asleep.
A little smile on her face, that tells that she's happy.

That she'll always be.
That, slowly she will heal.

One day.
And become what she always wanted to be.

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