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Previously on Under The Stars,

As I was walking, I bumped into something............more like.........someone

"Hey!" I said "Watch where your going.....New girl!" The guy said then I scoffed "YOU should watch where your going!" I said then he rolled his eyes "Don't you kno-" he said "'Don't you know who I am? I'm the king of this school'" I mimicked him "Stop it" he said "Alright, say sorry then" I said "Sorry princess" he said then I gasped "Ew! No nicknames!" I said then I walked pass by him, I shake my head, gosh! Why is he so handsome and annoying at the same time?! Such a tease! "Where's my classroom?!" I whined "It's on the second floor, third door straight" Kazumi said "Oh. Thanks!!" I said "Bye, I'm gonna head to my class" Haruka said "Bye!!!" Aika said "Bye!" I said "Bye guys!" Kazumi said then we all parted ways. I followed Kazumi's directions and alas! I arrived at my class. I walked in and they all looked at me, gosh! Can't they keep their eyes to themselves, I searched the whole classroom and I found an empty seat, I sat there and waited for the teacher. After a few minutes of waiting for this teacher he arrived, finally!! "Good morning class!" He said "Oh! New student?" He said "Duh!" I said "I'm Mr.Yamada, but call me Yamada-sensei, introduce yourself" Yamada-sensei said "I'm Yuki Kobayashi" I said then the door bursted open, revealing the guy that I bumped in earlier, "Your late, at the first day of class Saiko....." Yamada-sensei said then Saiko, I presumed, rolled his eyes, he just sat beside me and I raised one of my eyebrows at him, "You may sit down Yuki" Yamada-sensei said, I flopped down my chair and just listen to the teacher. After an hour the class is finally done, I grabbed my things and put it in my backpack, I slung it on my shoulders, I walked away but someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, I turned around and I was faced a by Saiko, I looked up a bit and I saw his face, shit! Our faces were so close, he smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, why did he have to be so handsome huhu! What?! No! Erase! Don't think about that, I shoved his hands away and I turned around and walked fast out of the classroom, my face starts to heat up, ugh!!! I headed to my next class, and I swear I'm gonna be late! I'm not familiar with this place yet!! And I was right! I was 3 minutes late, which is not bad, this teacher was a girl, we call her Saito-sensei. After that class it's lunch time. I just followed my classmates cause we're all going to the cafeteria! Once I arrived there I looked around to find them, then someone slung their arm over my shoulders, "Wassup Yuki?" Aika said "Nothing, Let's go find a table" I said "Yeah, you do that, I'll buy food, what do you want?" Aika said "Noddles!" I said then she chuckled, "What do you think Haruka will like?" Aika said "Anything is fine" Haruka said out of nowhere making us scream "Oops?" Haruka said "Where's Kazumi?" I said "On her way" Haruka said then she walked away going to a table, I just followed her, and we sit down at the table, I saw Kazumi enter the cafeteria, "Kazumi! Over here!" I said then she looked at us then smiled, she up to us and sit down, all the other students looked shocked, "Whats with them?" I said "Oh....I don't really have friends here...I'm the outcast I guess?" She said as she looked down, "Oh....don't worry! Your with us now!" I said and she smiled big "Here's the food!!!" Aika said "Yay!!!" Me and Haruka said, Kazumi brought out her lunch and we all started to ate. In the middle of eating we started chatting, "On Fridays we wear our uniforms, it's uniform day" Kazumi said and my mouth opened wide "Uniform day?! So that's why I have a uniform, ugh!!" I said "Since we're in a squad lets have like matching outfits or stuff" Haruka said "Oh!! On Wednesdays we wear pink!" (Mean Girls!!!!!) I said "Pink? As in Pink?!" Aika said "Pastel pink genius!" I said "Oh.....I hate Hot pink!" Aika said and we all laughed. After lunch I had classes with the two of them, so we all headed to class. We sat together at the middle and we waited for our sensei to arrive. The lesson was boring cause it's history duh! It was like my least favorite subject, like, I don't get why I need to know that stuff but of course if I ask that I'm gonna be wrong so just keep it in! I'm gonna endure the pain of learning History, I mean I'm a top student but studying isn't my thing, I'm more of a cellphone girl. After history class I sighed in relief, Haruka was answering all the teachers questions like a total genius while I'm here flipping the pages to find where is it! When we exited the classroom I did a happy dance, "It was SO boring!!!" I said "Yeah!!!" Aika said while pouting, we hugged each other and faked cried "I don't get why we need to learn that!!" I said "Me too!" Aika said "We need to get to our next class guys" Haruka said and we let go of the hug, "What do you guys have next?" I said "Mine is......Gym" I said "Math" Aika said "Mines....Gym, ugh!" Haruka said "Bye you guys!" Aika said then we parted ways, me and Haruka entered our classroom and I saw Saiko with his friend, ugh! Why me? "Oh dear Lord, forgive me if I have sin" I said "Why are you praying all of a sudden?" Haruka said "Unluckiness is my strength today" I said and she giggled "Why so?" Haruka said "See that white haired guy with that other guy?" I said while pointing to Saiko, "Yeah, what about them?" Haruka said "Wait! Aren't they the boys from earlier?" Haruka said and I nodded "Well goodluck!" Haruka said and I pouted, I looked around and I saw the gym teacher, isn't that..............

To be continued~

Under The StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora