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Previously on Under The Stars
I looked around and I saw the gym teacher, wait, isn't that........

Isn't that Yugiyo?! What is HE! Doing here?! What is my older brother doing in this school?!?!??! I whined and stomped my feet like a little kid, making everyone look at me, even Onii-San!!! He smirked at me and I lowered my head "Hey, isn't that your Onii-San?" Haruka whispered and I nodded, I looked up and I see Yugiyo right in front of me, so I screamed and cling onto Haruka, I groaned, I let go of Haruka and hit Yugiyo repeatedly, "Ouch!!" Yugiyo said and I stopped "You! You! Why didn't you tell me!!" I whined "Stop whining you baby!" Yugiyo said and I hissed at him "Awww is my baby mad??" Yugiyo said and I scoffed "Stop it!" I said "What, scared your friends are going to see us?" Yugiyo said "No!" I said then he moved our faces closer I glared at him "You move any more closer and I swear I WILL kill you" I warned then he just pulled me for a hug, I groaned, I heard someone coughed, the Yugiyo kissed my head then let go "ONII-SAN!!!!!" I whined "Quit whining you child!" Yugiyo said and I hissed at him "I heard your boyfriend is moving here" Yugiyo said and I knew exactly who, my best friend!!!! "Really?!" I said "Yeah, OKAY!! Let's start!! I'm your new gym teacher, you should call me Kobayashi-sensei" Yugiyo said and I looked at him in disgust "You too young lady!" He said a he pointed at me, I raised my hand in surrender "Jeez! No need to point that ugly finger of yours" I said, he gave me a warning look and I shut up. In gym class Haruka kept whining and telling me how much she hates these stuff, the boys were doing push ups and I saw Saiko, and his muscles, fuck!!!!! I swallowed the lump in my throat and I did what Onii-San said. After gym class we headed out of the classroom, we meet up with Aika at the lockers, while waiting for her Haruka said she forgot something so she left for a bit, I saw Saiko coming towards me, what did I do?! But he stopped right beside my locker and I sighed in relief, "Hey there New girl" he said "I have a name" I said "What's your name then?" He said "You would've known if you weren't late in class earlier" I said and he chuckled, shit!! It's so cute! No! No! Don't say that! "Just tell me your name princess and I'll stop bugging you" he said "Yuki, Yuki Kobayashi" I said "I will not bother you until we go to your next class, What?!?! "WHAT?!?!?" I said and he just smirked at me then winked before heading to his class, I groaned, I saw Haruka coming back with her almost empty water bottle, soon after her arrival Aika arrived, and after her is Kazumi, "What do you guys have?" I said "Dance" Aika said "Same" Kazumi said "Ugh! Moving again!!" Haruka said and we all laughed at her. We all headed to the dance studio in the school. Okay so we have to perform a dance, and it's a group, since Kazumi has no one else we decided to let her in our group cause we're a squad now! "Okay, Let's dance to blackpink, Kill This Love!" I said "I know that" Haruka said "Same, how 'bout you?" Aika said "Yeah" Kazumi said "I'll be Lisa!!" I said "I call Jisoo!" Aika said "I'll be Jennie" Kazumi said "I guess I'll be Rosé" Haruka said "Perfect!!" I said. After a few minutes its out turn. We positioned ourselves in the area and we played the music.

After dancing, Haruka was panting really hard, I giggled at her "Gym after dance! Are you kidding me?!" Haruka said as the students we're clapping, well, except for that pink haired girl and her group, we sat down, "Next up, you boys" the teacher said as she pointed to Saiko and his gang, they were seven of them?! What?! Ugh!

Jungkook(black shirt) is Saiko
Namjoon(black jacket(?)) is Kazuno
Jin(white long sleeves) is Maiko
Taehyung(red pants)is Satoshi
Yoongi(wearing shorts) is Yuto
Jimin(Grey long sleeves) is Tomoya
Hoseok(White pants) is Yugo

Damn! They were good! I saw Saiko look at me then smirked, I fake vomited, the went back to their seat and the class goes on. After my long day of school I waved bye to my best friends, "See you tomorrow girls!!" I said "See you!" Aika said "Yuki..." Kazumi said kind of terrified, but she wasn't looking at me, but the one behind me, I turned around and I saw the bitch from earlier, "Oh...it's You again" I said "Do you think you'll get away that easy?" She said "Uh...first of all obviously not, second, I'm not even scared of you" I said and she glared at me "So why don't you just go fly away with your little dwarves!" Aika said "Excuse me?!" One of her minions said "Jeez! We don't even know you" I said "We don't know you too!" The other minion said "I'm Sakura! The QUEEN of this school" Sakura? Said "This is Saori, and this is Katsumi" she added while pointing to her fake ass friends "Yuki" I said "Aika" Aika said "Haruka" Haruka said "And you probably know her, Kazumi, the girl you always BULLY for nothing!" I said "So what if we bully her?" Sakura said "So what if we bully her?" I mimicked her and her fake ass voice "Stop it!" She said "Stop it!" I mimicked again "You don't know how to respect don't you?" she said "Well, bitch, you don't know who your messing with" I said "Hey, little miss try hard to look hot, it was nice dissing ya but we gotta go home, we don't want to waste our time on you" Aika said "Toodles!" I said then us girls walked away, I could see Saiko and his gang near us, they all looked shocked, I just smirked then we walked away. They don't know us, but, they will....

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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