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Crimson eyes looked down at the young woman, watching her as she fell, hitting the old wooden floors of her home. Those eyes continued to watch her, as regret began to pull in the bearer's heart. His ears listened to the whistling of the wind with raindrops pouring down endlessly as lighting struck the skies with its loud cries of thunder...but there was something, something particular that stood out from the sounds of the storm. It was was the sounds of a small infant crying, afraid of the monster that roared in the dark sky. The man followed the child's cries until he found them upstairs in a small room, pleading for its mother's comfort as he lied there in his crib. The young man wasn't sure what compelled him...but he carefully scooped the baby into his arms and practically fell in love with it at first sight. He cradled the small infant in his big arms, giving the infant a warm smile. The baby ceases its crying and scans the man's smiling face before giggling at him with a bright smile of his own. The young man chuckled at the silly child but the baby's smiling face soon went sour when a crack of thunder shook the skies.

"I couldn't possibly just leave you here alone..." Looking at the small child's frightened faces, the young man could no longer betray his heart, so he took the blanket's from the crib and wrapped the baby as best as he could and holding it as close to himself as possible as he stepped out from the room. He looked at the dead woman one last time before finally stepping out of the small farmhouse and into the storm. With a loud and quick whistle, a black stallion came running across the muddy road. The young man effortlessly got onto the horse's back with the use of only one of his hands before quickly riding off into the night.

Once the young man had finally ridden through the small town, he reached the end of a forest where a lone house stood. The house seemed much larger than any of the other townhouses but there was something about it that gave you the feeling it was much older than it looked. When the young man had stepped off his mount, he quickly made his way inside and was instantly greeted by his two younger sisters. When he revealed the small baby to the girl's, their eyes lit up as all three of them decided on this night, that this child would become the newest members of they're family. They knew it wouldn't be the easiest thing in the world taking care of a baby but all the trouble would be worth it for the small child they would be raising.


With the loud echoing sounds of the large towers bell ringing, all the young teens exit the school, all chatting out about their day with friends as they sweat under the hot sun. Some had rides home while others would walk. But there was one boy in particular that used to get strange stares when his sisters Lilith and Ellily would pick him up on a horse. However, the young boy would have to walk this month, as summer days were the only times they couldn't come to pick him up, other than his brother who would pick him up in his black sports car, as Saturday and Sunday were his only days off, But today, however, the young boy would walk home under the burning rays of the hot yet beautiful sun.

"Hey Precious, wait for me!" A girl called out and ran over to the young boy. The black haired girl smiled as she tapped the boy on the shoulder playfully.

"Hey Unique, sorry for walking without you" The boy replied with a sheepish smile.

"No worries dude, I know we're all in a hurry to get out of this heat" She explained. The girl had been the nicest person to the boy ever since he got into high school, so young Precious always at least had her as a friend.

"So um, are you coming over to my place today?" The boy asked as he stuffed some of the textbooks that were in his arms, carefully into his bookbag that hung from his small shoulder. The boy was often made fun of for his small and almost feminine features but he always did his best to be as manly as he could, because he wanted to be as strong and handsome as his big brother Arvik was.

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