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Every night was practically the same. Lilith would cook dinner for the whole family, while Precious and Ellily would set the table just before Arvik would come home.
He was the eldest sibling of the family, so he ran the Dragonsblood family bank; going in early in the morning at 8 am and always staying late until 10 pm.  He steps in through the door and his almost crimson brown eyes are the first thing to strike your attention; his deep rich brown hair was short and swept to the side while his chin showed a light patch of hair growing in.

Because Arvik was the eldest, his parents raised him to take on the family bank, so although responsibility was always put on his shoulders, he never seemed to mind it much; he always enjoyed feeling trusted with his parents work as well as being the older brother to three younger siblings, which might even be why the others find him to be such a reliable big brother.

"Arvik, welcome home!" The young girl leapt into her brother's arms with joy, smiling brightly as she giggled when he spun her around in his arms, sharing a smile on his face.

"Yes Ellily, I'm home" He chuckled.

"Welcome home big brother," The younger boy said with a smile. Having such two sweet younger siblings greet him home truly warmed his heart.

"Thank you Precious, it's good to be home" He smiled with a small sigh of relief, setting the young girl down before sliding his suit jacket off and tossing it onto the couch.

"10:25? That's late for you" Lilith commented as they all gather by the table and sat down.

"Wow Lilith, your really sharp," The young boy said in surprise.

"Lilith is sharp like glass!" The girl said with a giggle.

Arvik chuckled at Ellily's words. "Yes, very sharp" He said. "There was a minor issue I had to settle with one of our donors for the hospital's charity today" He explained and his sister nodded with complete understanding.

"Enough talk, let's eat! I've been starving!" The young girl whines.

"Alright alright," Lilith giggles and they sat down before finally having their family dinner.

 "Precious, how was school?" Arvik was the only one that still worried for the youngest sibling whenever he attended school. Precious always assumed it was because of that one time he got bullied at school...but lately, he's come to realize that maybe he worries over him because he's the only one in the family that has actually attended school.

"I still get picked on sometimes but the other kids stand up for me and during cooking class, I got to bake cookies with everyone" Precious smiled brightly, eager to pass on his school day to his big brother. Everyone shared their stories that night, conversing over their daily happenings or even just about the crazy or weird things they saw while on the internet. They talked away the night until all the food on the dinner plates were finished.

When dinner was finally over, Precious and Lilith washed the dishes while Ellily went straight to the couch and started watching a movie about a man in a mask fighting for people's rights and freedom from the government.
Arvik on the other hand went up to his room, mostly likely to either shower or use his laptop.

Scrubbing one of the cups clean, the boy looked up at his sister as he handed her the soapy cup with a smile on his face. He always enjoyed doing things with his siblings, even if it was just dishes. He could never thank them enough for all the love and care they put into raising him.


As the sun rose to the sky, Arvik was already heading out the door, not even bothering to pack a lunch, instead, he took a brown faux leather suitcase full of various documents. While Arvik was headed out, Lilith began the morning laundry before preparing a nice packed lunch for her younger brother before he got up for school, always making sure she finished on time.
Afterwords, she would go through all the files and documents of Elly's soup financial growth; mean while, Precious was already up and headed out the door with his packed lunch.

Yes, everything was always just how it was for the Dragonsblood family every single day...however, with the summer rays already lighting the day, Precious was forced to walk to school since was the only month his family's schedule was to busy to ever pick him up or drop him off for class.
The family bank was busier, keeping Arvik late. Ellily hating the heat, she slept for most of the days instead of gardening, forcing Lilith to do all the housework while still maiming her sister's bath soap business.
These were all the reasons Precious hated school during summer, why he he was forced to travel to and back from school on foot for a whole month...but sometimes on a rare occasion, Arvik would have enough time on his break to pick him up from school. Those days are always a blessing for the boy.

Right now in his cooking class, Precious was learning to bake sugar cookies with the rest if his classmates.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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