A new day

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watching endgame inspired me to finish this so there will be more chapters

I stared at the ceiling. I spent the night at My Aunt May's apartment recently I had spent a lot of my time at the avenger's tower and Aunt May offered to allow me to stay there but I said no.

Aunt May had wanted me to stay there because the world knew that I was spiderman. She seems to think that this is a superhero problem and they would be better at addressing it but that's not true. It's not true because no one could really address the problem.

Whatever happened I couldn't change anything and neither could anyone else so I am done with my family giving me sympathetic stares.

Recently my life changed forever after on a field trip with my school Thor referred to me as spiderman(he actually said child of spiders but the class put them together) I decided I didn't want a teenager revealing my identity so I held a press conference and reveled my identity to the world

Now I just stare at the ceiling dreading waking up and rather hating my life.

Minutes rushed by as I tried to fall back to sleep but before I could I could hear Aunt May yelling, "TIME FOR SCHOOL"


I reluctantly dragged my feet out of bed and walked to the kitchen where Aunt May was staring at me sympathetically as she placed breakfast in front of me. The plate was loaded with eggs and waffles and and toast much more than I would get on a normal day. It was obvious that she was trying to make me feel better but instead of making me forget problems a large breakfast served only as a reminder that everything was not normal. I ate gratefully and made sure to eat everything on my plate for Mays benefit.

I started to leave when May pulled me into a big bear hug. She squeezed until I was sure she was not going to let me go before whispering in my ear "good luck" And releasing me from her grip.

Im scared. Scared for May now that everyone knows of my alter ego. It used be spiderman has enemies peter does not but now the world has flipped and they are officially one and the same. Im scared for Aunt May. Im scared for Ned and MJ. I'm scared for myself. I'm scared that for the rest of my life I will never have a moment of peace. I shouldn't worry about myself I know it's selfish but I don't know what my life will be like now.

I walk out the door and down the apartment as quickly as I can. Once I get outside I quickly make my way towards the bus stop with my hood up in a desperate attempt to go unnoticed. The bus screeched to a halt and I climb in. The usual noise of dozens of students talking and yelling all at once stops completely as I walk in.

I'm taken aback as people who have always ignored me started clapping and shouting out encouragingly,

"You're the best!!! "

"Thank you so much you saved my uncles life"

"I love you Spidey"

After the last one I look around to see who spoke but I can't tell because so many people now want my attention.After signing autographs for the bus driver and most of the students on the bus I sit down next to Ned in our usual seats in the back. Quite a few people move to get closer. Everybody on the bus stares at me the whole ride asking questions and just fan-girling over me. I was used to it as Spiderman bit it's different when you actually know people. The short twenty minute ride felt like hours no,  more like days as we eventually pulled up to the school.

I stepped out and was mobbed by a crowd of girls flirting with me. Now as the school nerd I can't usually tell when someone is flirting with me but these girls were literally throwing themselves at me. I attempted to pry one off of me as she continued to talk, "wow it must be so dangerous I cant even im-" She was cut off as MJ pulled me away. MJ held onto my shirt with one hand and with the other she shot the bird at all the girls around us. The other girls grumbled but eventually dispersed.

"Thank you"

MJ smirked, "no need you're still a loser but your my loser. "

I smiled and we started to walk to first block together. As we walked through the halls people stared at me differently almost in awe. Ned caught up with us as we headed towards class.

MJ had to turn and go the opposite direction since she has a different first block but I was just grateful I didn't have to go to class alone. We walked I to class and the teacher just stares at me as I make my way to the back of the class and to my desk. The classes full attention was already on me and the first bell hadn't even rung yet. Ugggh it was going to be a very long day.....

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