Deputy Sheriff

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"One, two, three, four." Peter counted the buildings as he passed.

Peter looked at the sign. It didn't look like a sheriff's office, the building next door looked more like it, but he was sure Bucky said four, so he walked in. It looked like a metalworks building.

"Hello?" A voice called from the back room

"Is this the sheriff?" Peter asked

"No, thats nextdoor, but since you're here, come back here and help me." The voice called. Peter walked back to see a man, about 5'9'', with brown hair.

"Tony. Tony Stark." He said putting his hand out.

"I'm Peter, nice to meet you, Mr. Stark." Peter shook his hand. Suddenly Peter remembered something. His hero's name was Tony Stark. "You're not the, the uh, the famous super genius Mr.Stark, are you?" Peter asked

"Yeah, I'd bet it's surprising to see me here. It's quiet, so I get stuff done. I've been here for a bit actually, although I'm sure you can tell by my accent." He said. Peter nodded. "Anyway, hold this while I weld it real quick." Mr. Stark told Peter. Peter held the metal.

"What are you making?" Peter asked

"It's a secret." Mr.Stark said, so Peter didn't ask.

When they finished, Peter walked over to the sheriff's station. Bucky had lied to him, he said four, it was only three. It totally wasn't Peter's directional sense lacking.

"Hello?" Peter called when he walked in.

"One second!" A male voice called. Peter looked around, this looked like the sheriff's office, unlike the previous building.

"This is the sheriff's station?" Peter called hoping for confirmation.

"Yeah!" Said what he guessed was the sheriff as he walked into the room Peter was in. The sheriff was tall and blonde. He had cowboy boots, a cowboy hat, and an otherwise stereotypical sheriff outfit.

"Steve, right?" Peter asked

"Yeah, how'd you know?" He asked

"Bucky, at the bar." Peter answered. "He told me to come introduce myself, because I'm new and all."

"Hmmmmmm" Steve said, analyzing Peter. "You have the right physique. He wasn't wrong. I could give you a trial run, or I could just hire you, it's not like I'm getting anyone else." He mumbled to himself.

"Wait! Hire me for what?" Peter asked

"Deputy sheriff." Steve said giving Peter the once over. "You're a bit young, but I think that's okay, you're old enough." He handed Peter a bag. "That there's your outfit, your hour roster, and some files, follow me." He said walking outside. Peter was baffled. He had no idea what was happening. He was the deputy sheriff?! Ridiculous! He could do it though, it would make things slightly less boring. He followed Steve outside.

"Wait up!" Peter yelled at him. He was a fast walker.

"This is your horse. His name is Walter. He likes apples, sugar cubes, and long walks in the hills." Steve said motioning to a horse. Peter nodded. He had just noticed how late it was. He would have to go back to the motel, and hit the market in the morning. But, he had to do this whole deputy sheriff thing in the morning. He sighed. He excused himself and ran down to the market.

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