The Outfit

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Peter walked home from the bar and passed out. He would have to wake up at around 7 so he could do this whole, deputy sheriff thing.

When Peter opened the bag to look at his outfit, he was shocked. He had black cowboy boots that were about a size too big, some black ripped jeans, a denim blue button down, a cowboy hat, a star that read 'Deputy Sheriff', and of course, a gun belt, which held his revolver and a couple bullets for it. Peter did not want to wear it. Of all the things, the jeans were black. Black?! What sheriff wears black ripped jeans. Peter would have to talk to Steve about it. He looked like an edgy sheriff.

"STEVE!" Peter yelled. When Steve walked in, he looked Peter up and down and nodded.

"You look FABULOUS!" He yelled.

"First, these shoes are a size too big. Second, WHAT SHERIFF WEARS BLACK RIPPED JEANS?" Peter yelled. Steve threw the appropriate sized boots at him, and Peter put them on.

"I thought you would like them, because you're young an all. Don't young people like their jeans ripped?" Steve asked, confused.

"Also, I refuse to wear this anymore, I'll be taking this off and putting on something else when I leave." Peter explained. Steve looked crushed.

"Fine. As long as you look like a sheriff. At least a little bit. Come back after you change." Steve said.

"Okay. Also, it's not that I don't like the jeans, it's just that they don't fit the outfit at all." Peter said leaving.

"Alrighty Peter, time to figure out your work uniform." He told himself looking through the closet. It seemed like whoever had stayed here prior, had left some of their stuff there. Peter had washed it, and it turned out they were the same size.

Peter decided he would keep the jeans, and the black boots. He went through his closet, and found a black cowboy hat. He put on a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. He pinned his star to his jacket, and looked at himself in the mirror. His gun belt didn't match. It was brown, his aesthetic was black. He grabbed it, and his gun, and ran down to Mr. Starks.

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